Start-Up Chile invites Argentine foodtech Simpleat to bring frozen meals next door

Start-up Chile Invites Argentine Foodtech Simpleat To Bring Frozen Meals Next Door Start-up Chile Invites Argentine Foodtech Simpleat To Bring Frozen Meals Next Door
start-up chile invites argentine foodtech simpleat to bring frozen meals next door

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Contxto – For many emergent companies, participating in Start-Up Chile entails new markets and regional expansion. Known for its frozen meals, at least this is what the Argentine foodtech Simpleat intends to achieve following its admission into the prestigious accelerator

With Colombian origins and frozen meals available in Argentina, Start-Up Chile recently invited Simpleat to test the waters in the neighboring country. As one of the world’s most active accelerators, this will coincide with US$33,000 of funds and office space for the next eight months.

If everything goes accordingly, the foodtech will reportedly earn additional funds once the session wraps up. 

Under the wide umbrella of foodtech, the startup masterfully concocts frozen meals using some of the freshest ingredients. In terms of tech innovation, the business utilizes deep-freezing vacuum techniques to ensure the utmost quality.

Besides being preparable in under 15 minutes, the gourmet can also be delivered right to customers’ doorsteps. 

As the CEO and co-founder can attest, this opportunity could be the beginning of an impressive growth spurt.

“The fact of being chosen by Start-Up Chile is a huge challenge that is part of our business project to begin regional expansion,” said 26-year-old Tomás Iakub. Not long ago, he earned the distinction as one of the “TOP10 Young Persons” in Argentina. This award honors those youngsters for their economic and commercial achievements. 

“Being one of the 10 outstanding young people, it makes me proud that I receive it on behalf of the whole team,” added Iakub. “It gives us more responsibility to keep going, creating and developing new job opportunities in the country, for all of us and for our consumers.” 

Frozen meals in Argentina 

While convenience and authenticity are at the forefront of Simpleat’s model, it also aspires to improve the food supply chain. Not only does this involve working with dealers, businesses and consumers but also the promotion of local solutions. 

“We work very close to regional producers as we are convinced that local economies must be protagonists,” said Iakub. “Shortening the distribution chain benefits us all and is part of the new trend in the world.” 

In the beginning, Iakub’s company sold 200 dishes during the first month with only US$85,000 worth of funds. Fast forward today and the foodtech distributes over 80,000 dishes among approximately 4,000 customers.

Simpleat frozen meals with Tastemade and Rappi 

Back in August, Simpleat reportedly collaborated with both Tastemade and Rappi to boost operations. In case Tastemade doesn’t ring a bell, it’s a fellow Argentine foodtech that produces multimedia content for recipes. 

Under this culinary arrangement, hungry customers watch these informative videos produced by Tastemade. However, grub comes from Simpleat. So, once the cravings kick in, they simply order a frozen meal as advertised on Tastemade. Yet another layer of usability enters the picture since everything is available over Rappi’s platform. 

Considering that Chileans consume about 10 kilograms of frozen meals per year per capita, compared to Argentina’s 1.9 kilograms, perhaps Simpleat will encounter even more success in the Andean country.


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