Laboratoria enters Colombia to offer programming bootcamps for women

Laboratoria Enters Colombia To Offer Programming Bootcamps For Women Laboratoria Enters Colombia To Offer Programming Bootcamps For Women
laboratoria enters colombia to offer programming bootcamps for women

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Contxto – Peruvian edtech Laboratoria has reached its first new market in 2020. As of January, it will be offering its intensive software classes to young women in Colombia.

Anyone interested in participating in the six month-long web programming bootcamp in Bogotá can apply now. Signups close on March 22nd. 

Note that there are a few additional screening processes after applying. But if all goes well for an applicant, then, Laboratoria will welcome her as part of its first generation of Laboratorians from Colombia on May 4.

Laboratoria can also be found preparing programmers and developers in parts of Mexico, Chile, and of course, Peru.

Related article: Peruvian edtech Laboratoria and IBM will train more than 500 women in IT

Women and STEM

Last Tuesday was the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. And startups like Laboratoria are playing an important role in raising awareness in that direction. In this edtech’s case, by preparing women for jobs through these specialized programming bootcamps. 

It’s certainly a big help. But there is still a lot of ground to cover to draw more women into careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Especially considering the future of employment in Latam, and the world.

As automation advances (robotics, artificial intelligence, and the like), many jobs that currently exist will cease to do so in the future. 

According to HR Firm, Willis Towers Watson, between 2016 and 2019, the amount of work done using automation doubled within companies jumping from 8 percent to 17 percent. By 2022, it’ll rise to 30 percent. And in 2025, 90 percent of operations at a company will be automated.

This conveys the elimination of repetitive tasks and jobs, while STEM-related backgrounds will become more coveted.

As a result, women and girls may be further economically marginalized if they don’t ride the incoming STEM wave. Efforts are already underway both public policy-wise and on the private sector’s end.

But will it suffice? Not likely at the rate with which technology is progressing. 

That’s why stakeholders must up the ante to develop mentoring programs and initiatives for girls and women to consider these increasingly important fields of study.

There’s no need to be “one of the guys” to love STEM. And that’s the paradigm we must all work to bring down.

Related articles: Tech and startups from Colombia!


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