Wompi Colombia launches new mobile payment app with real-time transaction management for Merchants

Alejandro Toro, CEO of Wompi, highlighted the app’s ability to convert smartphones into dataphones using Tap to Phone technology for Visa and Mastercard debit and credit cards.
Wompi Colombia Launches New Mobile Payment App With Real-time Transaction Management For Merchants Wompi Colombia Launches New Mobile Payment App With Real-time Transaction Management For Merchants
Rodion Kutsaiev

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The app also supports payments through Nequi, Bancolombia’s QR, and the creation of Wompi payment links or QR codes. Users can access their Wompi account through the app, enabling them to view real-time transaction details and balances.

In addition to these features, Toro announced plans to tokenize savings accounts to streamline frequent payments. This would allow customers to make purchases with a single click, without entering additional information. The company is also exploring options to integrate open banking, following new national legislation, to enhance the payment initiation experience.

Toro emphasized Wompi’s evolution from a digital payment manager to a platform that simplifies online money management for its clients. He described the development as building an ecosystem centered around service.

In Colombia, Wompi supports payments via debit and credit cards through Redeban and Fiserv connections, Bancolombia Button or Nequi platforms, transfers, Puntos Colombia, cash, and buy-now-pay-later options. In Panama, where Wompi has recently expanded, the platform operates with card transactions and transfers.

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