Adopts Bitso for Enhanced Payment Processing

This collaboration enables’s 90,000 users and 125 institutional clients to make payments in pesos via a unified API, optimizing costs and transaction speed. Authorized As Ifc Under Mexican Fintech Law Authorized As Ifc Under Mexican Fintech Law
Briqmx Plataforma Digital De Crowdfunding Recibe Autorizacion Bajo Ley Fintech

Keep up to Date with Latin American VC, Startups News, a collective investment platform focused on real estate, has partnered with Bitso Business, a leading payment technology provider, to upgrade its transaction processing capabilities. This partnership marks as the first crowdfunding platform to utilize Bitso’s services for streamlining payments.

The integration with Bitso Business will allow to manage transactions for its 125 institutional clients and 90,000 individual users more effectively. Payments can now be processed in pesos through a single account managed by an API, which is expected to reduce costs and enhance the speed and stability of transactions.

Crowdfunding platforms like, which gather funds for shared goals, are subject to strict financial regulations to protect investor interests. In Mexico, such platforms are required to maintain a unified account for receiving and disbursing funds, a requirement that traditional payment systems may find challenging to meet efficiently.

Bitso’s technology provides with a regulatory-compliant solution that separates user funds from company funds, maintaining transparency and efficiency, particularly when dealing with large volumes of transactions.

Alberto Padilla Luengas, CEO and co-founder of, stated that the collaboration with Bitso has established a reliable financial structure that meets their needs for technological efficiency and security, crucial for handling the high volume of transactions required by their platform.

Thales Freitas, Director of Bitso Business, mentioned that Bitso is committed to supporting expanding companies by connecting them with robust banking systems and adhering to local regulations, thus facilitating essential services like those offered by

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