Mexican marketplace, AyFix, to expand into the United States

Mexican Marketplace, Ayfix, To Expand Into The United States Mexican Marketplace, Ayfix, To Expand Into The United States
mexican marketplace, ayfix, to expand into the united states

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Contxto – Ay caramba! Need a handyperson to fix something around the house? Mexican AyFix can help. A computer technician for that blasted printer? There’s AyFix. A chef because you’re a hopeless cook (like yours truly)? AyFix.

And the marketplace startup recently announced it’s planning to reach the United States. 

That expansion would add to the startup’s growing international presence. As it can currently be found in six cities in Mexico, as well as in the capitals of Guatemala and Colombia.

Marketplace services for everyone’s needs

This Mexican marketplace is tackling the common problem of word-of-mouth recommendations and yellow pages to offer users a centralized place to find service providers. Electricians, painters, plumbers, the list of technicians and professionals on the app is long.

Entrepreneurs David Ramírez and José Labastida co-founded the startup to ease workers in traditionally informal occupations into a more formal workplace setting. Such is the case of people in construction, cleaning, and carpentry.

However, the app also displays services for other professionals like veterinarians, lawyers, and musicians. This gives them visibility to start building up their customer portfolio.

AyFix’s business model seeks profitability in various ways. Service providers who sign up on the platform pay for one of three levels. Each one offers different perks. 

Businesses that offer these services can also be shown on the app and consequently, have their own package deals.

And last but not least, there are paid ads displayed on the app.

Some things never change

Marketplaces like AyFix and Apetoi are certainly useful for giving more visibility to these service providers. 

Nonetheless, the “I know a guy” custom to get a job done is deeply-rooted in Latin American culture. For which I think it will never truly be replaced by technology.

For better or worse, we all greatly rely on the recommendations that we receive from others.

Whether it’s a venture fund partner looking for a warm introduction to a founder. A family looking for a reliable architect to build the house of their dreams. Or, you’re associated with Walter White and you want to get a new identity and a new life. For which recommendations are a must.

Mexican Marketplace, Ayfix, To Expand Into The United States

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