Apperto wants to be the super app of small cities in Latin America

Apperto Wants To Be The Super App Of Small Cities In Latin America Apperto Wants To Be The Super App Of Small Cities In Latin America
apperto wants to be the super app of small cities in latin america

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Contxto – Despite startups’ constant preaching of “democratizing access to this” and “inclusion of that,” many are guilty of only running operations in large-sized cities. But that’s valid, they’re running a business after all.

However, that only widens the infamous “digital divide” between large-scale metropolis and less-populated areas. What’s more, they see a profitable opportunity in them.

In Argentina, Apperto aspires to be a super app—but for the small cities of Latin America. It’s already in 14 parts of Argentina. Though more recently it made its first international jump and so now its marketplace app can be found in San Juan del Río, Mexico. 

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Apperto has a place for SMEs

Through Apperto’s marketplace, users can arrange food delivery services, find discounts for local businesses, and it even allows for person to person (P2P) lending. For every transaction, the startup charges a commission.

And Apperto has no plans to stop anytime soon. The startup wants to launch in 14 more small Mexican cities in 2020. Should things pan out well, it may even reach Colombia next year. Such ambitious plans perhaps sound odd considering most startups are postponing their own expansions because of the coronavirus pandemic. 

Nonetheless, according to Apperto’s co-Founder, Matías Tini, the pandemic has provided a wake up call for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and an opportunity for his startup.

“Covid has led to a lot of talk about how big digital platforms are helping in big cities. But nobody looks out for the smaller cities,” noted Tini.

“So what this does is strengthen us. And it’s a good moment to launch the application because now, more than ever, cities need to be connected through technology.”

Rightly so, it’s great to see a startup covering another unattended market as is the case with small-sized cities. 

However, the most rural parts of Latam still need startups too.

Related articles: Tech and startups from Argentina!


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