Blockchain masters BLOQS4 and GTD combine forces to transform the Chilean mining industry

Blockchain Masters Bloqs4 And Gtd Combine Forces To Transform The Chilean Mining Industry Blockchain Masters Bloqs4 And Gtd Combine Forces To Transform The Chilean Mining Industry
blockchain masters bloqs4 and gtd combine forces to transform the chilean mining industry

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Contxto – From salmon to mining, BLOQS4 is progressively transforming quintessential Chilean industries to adopt blockchain technology. This time around, the startup has partnered with the telecommunications company GTD to apply this emergent digital set of tools to Chile’s mining sector. 

Like other blockchain initiatives, the aim is to improve out-dated processes while increasing competitiveness for industry players. If all goes according to plan, it will provide not only more transparency to Chilean mining but also sustainability.  

“We want to contribute with technology and experience to this industry, which is one of the main activities of the Chilean economy,” said Juan Ernesto Landaeta, general manager of GTD. 

His company just so happens to be developing an underwater fiber optic cable—Prat—to provide larger bandwidth capacity. This will reportedly run from Arica in the Atacama Desert all the way to the Puerto Montt, the gateway to Chile’s Patagonia region. Its partnership with BLOQS4 showcases its commitment to embracing innovation in every aspect of the word. 

“Through the alliance with BLOQS4, a digital transformation company, we are committing ourselves to innovative solutions that seek to make sustainability and traceability issues easier to address and manage,” added Landaeta. “This way, we can oversee it more efficiently, reducing the cost while maximizing the impact.”

Based on BLOQS4’s expertise in B2B (business to business) and B2C (business to customer) tech innovations, GTD certainly seems to be in good hands. Partners from mobile, reward, e-commerce, salmon, and even the cannabis industries work with the Chilean startup to implement decentralized blockchain technology.

Green Mining workshop

Recently, the two entities held a catchily-named “Green Mining: Sustainability and Value Chain. Methodologies for Creating Positive Impact Solutions” event. That is, decentralized technology to implement in mining activities at center stage.

Present were Erwin Plett, vice president of the Chile chapter of the Association of Energy Engineers; Arturo Gana, president of the Chilean College of Engineers; Hugo Galilea, general manager of Kepler; Juan Ernesto Landaeta, general manager of Gtd IT Services Specialists; in addition to José R. Rosas, CEO of BLOQS4.

Take a look at some of the other Chilean startups betting on disruptive blockchain technology in our market map! 


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