Brazilian Leads2b raises funds for freebie version of marketing platform

Brazilian Leads2b Raises Funds For Freebie Version Of Marketing Platform Brazilian Leads2b Raises Funds For Freebie Version Of Marketing Platform
brazilian leads2b raises funds for freebie version of marketing platform

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Contxto – Brazilian marketing intelligence platform Leads2b is in 4 some money. The startup recently raised R$10 million (around US$2.4 million) to deploy a free version for potential customers. The likes of AB seed and Order procured the investment.

Besides giving out this “free sample,” the startup shall also do some hiring and plans to increase its staff to 120 people.

Likewise, it’s reported that the startup had previously raised R$4.5 million

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Targeting and data power

Marketers and salespeople need to narrow down a pool of potential customers to identify the ones who may best respond to a businesses’ products and services. But such a job can be harrowing, and more so if you’re a small or medium-sized company.

That’s a need business to business (B2B) startup Leads2b seeks to resolve. Eduardo Langowski co-founded and officially launched the startup in 2016.

And through its platform, users can find potential leads (thus the name). This is possible thanks to the startup’s large database of Brazilian businesses.

A person just uses Leads2b’s filters and market segmentation tools to sort through companies and find ones that fit their target market. They also have access to a company’s corporate structure so they know who to talk to. 

Among its other features are a dashboard to follow up on progress. Managers can even oversee their sales team’s progress.

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Marketing leads meets AI technology

Leads2b offers an additional layer of tech to its platform via artificial intelligence (AI). Its algorithms can make potential customer recommendations to a user, based on what they’re looking for as well as the potential customer’s behavior.

Meanwhile, Leads2b rakes in money via its subscription-based service. However, in order to rope in more customers, the startup will be using this seed investment. Thanks to it, Leads2b shall offer a free version of its platform.

But like all digital freebies, this version will have its limitations in features and number of users.

You know, so a person can get hooked/frustrated and want more.

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