CitySense Closes US $1.7M Funding Round to Help Cities Become Smarter

Citysense Closes Us $1.7m Funding Round To Help Cities Become Smarter Citysense Closes Us $1.7m Funding Round To Help Cities Become Smarter
citysense closes us $1.7m funding round to help cities become smarter

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ContxtoCitySense is helping fast growing cities improve their quality of life through a shared digital infrastructure, also known as the internet of things (IoT).

The startup just closed their latest US $1.7M funding round led by Angel Ventures, in which Endurance Investment’s Fondo Alerce and Fundación Chile’s CLIN participated, to increase the number of sensors in Chile and start operations in Mexico City.

The company developed a system in which sensors, located all across the city, connect to each other through IoT technology and communicate about specific city metrics and measurements.

The company started in Santiago de Chile tracking down the city’s polluted air, but it has expanded to managing three different products: Airmob, Carmob and Datmob.

Airmob shows the city’s air status in real time. It helps citizens and governments track in real time air quality and smog, so they can choose less contaminated routes and receive health recommendations based on the air’s diagnosis.

Carmob tracks stolen vehicles through a low-energy, unexpensive bluetooth tracker. It provides geo-localization of vehicles and pins down dangerous areas.

Datmob offers companies the ability to understand potential markets through market mapping and crowd counting in real time.

Antonio García Esquivel and Antonio García Varela, the two founders, plan to increase the number of sensors in Chile from 140 to 1,000 by the end of June. Simultaneously, they’re planning to install 1,500 across Mexico City by the end of 2019.

Ambitious goals. Those are the kind of founders we like!

– VC.

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