Colombia considers blockchain to tackle transparency concerns

Colombia Considers Blockchain To Tackle Transparency Concerns Colombia Considers Blockchain To Tackle Transparency Concerns
colombia considers blockchain to tackle transparency concerns

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Contxto – Colombia continues to push its innovation side. But this time, it’s not relying on entrepreneurial ambassadors to demonstrate the country’s “out-of-the-box thinking” mindset. Instead, the government has been steadily incorporating blockchain technology into different areas.

Moreover, one consultant, by the name of Victor Muñoz Rodriguez who’s close to government officials stated efforts are increasingly being made to push the country’s embracement of innovative technology. 

According to statements made by Rodriguez last Tuesday (10), authorities in Medellín are interested in further deploying this technology into purchasing operations.

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Blockchain in Colombia

Rodriguez is an advisor on innovation and digital transformation within the Colombian President’s cabinet. And he stated that in Medellín they’ll be using a blockchain platform to complete purchases for a lunch program.

“The goal is to offer more transparency and accountability. The technical process has been completed,” said Rodriguez to Observatorio Blockchain. “Now we’re in the phase of reviewing regulatory compliance.”

Meanwhile, the state-owned oil company, Ecopetrol is also developing a blockchain system to track and oversee its supply chain process from extraction to sale.

Scoff, I’d like to see Mexico’s Pemex pull off something like that, after years of corruption within that publicly owned oil company.

Related article: Startup ContratistaVisible combats corruption with platform in Panama

Transparency wanted

The beauty of blockchain comes with the fact that it adds transparency and thus, more accountability to managing assets such as physical goods or information. 

And in Latin America this tech has proven highly attractive for many applications. In Brazil, customs authorities are exploring its use to ease the movement of cargo among MERCOSUR countries. In Bolivia, Peru, and Paraguay it’s helping to better manage land titles.

All of which are fantastic applications. And they just leave me yearning for more blockchain in government bodies. Because this specific type of technology could transform the persistent corruption issues that plague Latin America. 

The problem is, authorities who have something to hide may be reluctant to use this tech. Given that they don’t want to get caught with their hand in the cookie jar, and all that.

However, it’s also an all-encompassing matter in which we should also rally to demand our public reps behave ethically. 

And by that same token, we must lead by example.

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