Facebook and Start-Up Chile inaugurate new innovation center

Facebook And Start-up Chile Inaugurate New Innovation Center Facebook And Start-up Chile Inaugurate New Innovation Center
facebook and start-up chile inaugurate new innovation center

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Contxto – Over 600 Chilean entrepreneurs will soon become part of Facebook’s new Innovation Lab Santiago in collaboration with Start-Up Chile.

Even though the social networking service doesn’t have any offices in Chile, Mark Zuckerberg has set his eyes on Santiago to host the company’s next big innovation center.

How will this be beneficial?

As the world’s leading social media website, Facebook paired up with Start-Up Chile to promote experimentation in the South American country. Organizers intend to offer training, mentoring and workshops to entrepreneurs committed to developing new technology.

Participants are to develop invaluable new skills in the coworking space inaugurated on February 28, 2019.  This collaboration has been welcomed with open arms from Chilean players.

“At Start-Up Chile, we are continuously looking to make public-private agreements to benefit the growth of our entrepreneurs as well as activate the ecosystem,” said the group’s director, Sebastián Díaz.

“In that sense, the alliance with Facebook is tremendously valuable. Not only is it important for the program but for the hundreds of entrepreneurs. They will benefit from training and mentorships from leading technology companies.”

What does Facebook want to accomplish?

Technical support to incorporate new products into its network of applications is another motivation for Facebook.

“Facebook started as a startup and we know it’s important that it receives support to make an idea take off,” said Susana Cipriota, Program Leader for Facebook Developers in Latin America.

“Chile has created one of the most vibrant innovative ecosystems in the region. We are very happy to be apple to work with Start-Up Chile to support startups and developers.”

Similar “hubs” already exist in Argentina and Brazil, as well as South Korea, France, Nigeria, among other places.


At this point, any startup-related news that comes out of Chile doesn’t cease to impress me. Innovation seems to be culturally embraced on a whole other level, so to say the least, I’m stoked to see what comes next.


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