Idea GTO supports entrepreneurs and startups in Guanajuato, Mexico

Currently, 250 entrepreneurs are benefiting from a digital incubation program aimed at helping them evolve and become startups, contributing to the creation of a solid base of projects.

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The Institute of Innovation, Science, and Entrepreneurship for Competitiveness in Guanajuato, known as Idea GTO, aims to end 2023 by supporting 250 newly established entrepreneurs and 120 startups seeking funding in Mexico.

Ana Luisa Loza, Director of Entrepreneurship and Dynamization at Idea GTO, revealed that the intention is to reach the number of 300 entrepreneurs in their incubation programs by 2024, with the goal of positioning Guanajuato as a leader in promoting innovation in Mexico.

Loza explained that in June, they launched a program in collaboration with Youth in Guanajuato to motivate young entrepreneurs in the early stages of their projects.

“We have a goal of supporting 300 entrepreneurs, from newly established to consolidation and growth. Idea Guanajuato is just about to celebrate its third year since the Institute was founded,” the director shared.

Currently, 250 entrepreneurs benefit from a digital incubation program</strong, with the aim of evolving into startups and contributing to the creation of a strong foundation for projects.

One of Idea Guanajuato’s significant achievements in nearly three years of existence is collaborating with 120 entrepreneurs who have successfully transformed into startups, with 60 of them in advanced stages, seeking local and national financing for expansion.

Startup Capital from the Guanajuato government currently supports 60 companies that are being propelled through Idea Guanajuato and the Valley of Mindfacture, to create and promote a fertile ecosystem for venture capital acquisition.

“We aim to promote local entrepreneurs to connect with new entrepreneurs and subsequently establish a connection of funds with startups,” Ana Luisa explained.

Regarding the goal of reaching 300 entrepreneurs by 2024, Ana Luisa Loza emphasized that they are providing constant support for these entrepreneurs to consolidate.

“We introduce them to pre-incubation programs, incubation, and acceleration. The goal is for them to become startups, a process that depends a lot on their level of maturity and the type of business proposed by the entrepreneurs.

“Currently, we have 60 startups that have participated in demodays, and over 120 startups are being trained in venture capital topics,” said the Idea GTO representative.

She also expressed that Idea GTO focuses on various business sectors, including traditional services and ventures offering products or services in the market.

Furthermore, they are working to encourage service entrepreneurs to embrace digitalization to expand their reach and enhance their processes.

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