These are the fastest growing jobs in Argentina, Mexico, and Brazil, according to LinkedIn

These Are The Fastest Growing Jobs In Argentina, Mexico, And Brazil, According To Linkedin These Are The Fastest Growing Jobs In Argentina, Mexico, And Brazil, According To Linkedin
these are the fastest growing jobs in argentina, mexico, and brazil, according to linkedin

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Contxto – Coronavirus (Covid-19) and the economic downturn are undoubtedly shaking up the labor market. So it’s always good to keep in mind which are the fastest growing jobs, what they entail, and how they relate to a country’s workforce. And in that regard, LinkedIn is a valuable resource.

Through its Emerging Jobs reports, we can catch a glimpse at which are the fastest growing positions in Argentina, Mexico, and Brazil. Moreover, from them, we can draw some insights and trends as to the current state of the job market and what’s to come.

Job trends in 2020

Among the three countries from Latin America addressed in LinkedIn’s reports, there are some common denominators. Most of these jobs are related to technology and the IT industry. Real shocker there. Specifically, positions related to data science and analytics are quite popular among Argentina, Mexico, and Brazil. But to varying degrees.

The three countries also coincide in high growth rates for the role of Customer Success Specialist. This position is not to be confused with customer service agents—they’re the ones who assume a reactive role when taking the backlash of customer complaints.

Instead, a Customer Success Specialist proactively engages with customers to identify their needs and connect them with the business in a meaningful way. So knowing how to be a people-pleaser is a coveted job skill worth putting on a CV. Just use fancier words.

Lastly, the full report for each country covers a total of 15 of the fastest growing jobs. But for brevity’s sake we’ll only be covering the top five here. Likewise, each job comes a brief description of what it entails.

Fastest growing jobs in 3 Latin American countries


1. Data Engineer: These professionals connect the dots, identify patterns, as well as develop the algorithms to do that for you.

2. Customer Success Specialist: This position entails working as a bridge between customers and the business. Improving the overall experience is also part of the job. And naturally, being a great communicator is a must.

3. Data Scientist: This position is a mishmash of data mining, statistics, and predictive analysis. Consequently, data scientists are tasked with adding value to the tons of information a business gathers.

4. Sales Rep: Soft-skills to manage a team, as well as high levels of planning and organizational skills are required to be an effective Sales Rep.

5. JavaScript Developer: The versatility in applications through JavaScript is the reason why it’s so valued by programmers and businesses alike. Correspondingly, these developers play a pivotal role in creating apps, website-building, as well as handling everything that’s going on in the back-end.


1. Agile Coach: As the name implies, an Agile Coach is in charge of ensuring that the process of developing a product or service is done in the most agile way possible, reducing mistakes, and making the most of the available resources.

2. Customer Success Specialist: Again, a bridge between customers and the business. Improving the overall experience is also part of the job. And naturally, being a great communicator is a must.

3. Cybersecurity Specialist: With malware and ever-increasing risks to a data breach, these professionals are tasked with building businesses’ security systems. They must also identify risks and vulnerabilities then mitigate them accordingly.

4. DevOps Engineer: Monitoring that a product achieves the highest level of quality, is bug free, and at the lowest cost possible. These professionals serve as an important bridge between developers and IT departments.

5. JavaScript Developer: The versatility in applications through JavaScript is the reason why it’s so valued by programmers and businesses alike. Correspondingly, these developers play a pivotal role in creating apps, website-building, as well as handling everything that’s going on in the back-end.


1. Community Manager: The face and a key point of contact between the business and its customers. It’s not a matter of “knowing how to use Facebook,” but rather offering an engaging and positive experience through digital and social media.

2. Cybersecurity Engineer: According to LinkedIn, this professional is in charge of monitoring IT systems, as well as deploying the corresponding security measures and controls.

3. Sales Rep: Soft-skills to manage a team, as well as high levels of planning and organizational skills are required to be an effective Sales Rep.

4. Customer Success Specialist: You know the drill: The bridge between customers and the business. Improving the overall experience is also part of the job. And naturally, being a great communicator is a must.

5. Data Engineer: these professionals connect the dots, identify patterns, as well as develop the algorithms to do that for you.

The future of job markets in Latin America

In countries like the United States and India, that have larger talent pools of engineers to fill up their ranks, professionals in artificial intelligence (AI) are amongst the fastest growing jobs.

And this tendency will eventually spread into Latin America. At the moment, AI specialists take seventh place in Brazil. But I don’t doubt it will climb the ranking within the next two years. Mexico and Argentina will follow suit as well.

Moreover, automation is already seeping into various industries. For example, Chilean Genomawork’s AI system is speeding up the recruitment process to find the right candidate for a job.

Brazilian proptech, Kzas, plays at real estate broker/matchmaker by connecting buyers and sellers. While Mexican Atexto and Colombian VOIQ are working with voice bots to give a more human-like experience to customer service systems.

On a similar note, businesses are increasingly hungry to soak in information to drive decision-making. Therefore, I don’t expect positions like Data Scientist and Data Engineer to lose their position among the top five anytime soon.

But all of this doesn’t mean you’re out of alternatives if you aren’t a programmer. Machine learning and robotics are far from sophisticated enough to complete tasks like cooking a meal, fixing a car, or giving a class to school children. Consequently, there are still many trades and professions that the world needs.

To read the full reports, check out this page.

Related articles: Tech and startups from Argentina!


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