Nubank debit payments for Spotify and Netflix from December 9

Nubank Debit Payments For Spotify And Netflix From December 9 Nubank Debit Payments For Spotify And Netflix From December 9
nubank debit payments for spotify and netflix from december 9

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Contxto – Just yesterday, Brazilian fintech Nubank revealed that NuConta cardholders can look forward to making monthly debit payments for streaming services beginning December 9. Meaning, if it’s time to cough up for your Netflix and Spotify Premium subscriptions, you’re in luck.

Originally, this service was only available for credit cardholders. Not anymore! Though still in its early stages, this new debit payment option will operate through the NuConta app. 

NuConta debit cards

While Nubank launched the NuConta debit card last year to select customers, now anybody can apply for one over the app. Seeing that cardholders will soon be able to maintain their Spotify and Netflix accounts through their NuConta balance, this is Nubank’s latest strategy to accommodate the evolving needs of their clients—and maybe even snatch up some new ones.

In accordance to reports, this is something that customers have previously requested Nubank to implement. While members of the NuCommunity test this novel feature, the app amenity will become available for the entire customer base beginning December 9. 

So, how does actually it work?

According to an official Nubank statement, paying for streaming services will be available in the payment settings of the app. All customers must do is select the debit card as a payment method. Then, they can simply enter the physical card’s information into the system. And, voilà! Let the Netflix and chill or Spotify jam session commence.

To reiterate; users must have a balance in their NuConta accounts to process payments on the day of the payment. While credit payments have previously existed, debit functions are a novelty.

Not so Nu

In Brazil, banks such as Banco do Brasil, Itaú, Bradesco, Caixa, Santander, Banco Inter, Banco Original, and Sicredi already accepted debit card payments for Netflix subscriptions. For Spotify, Banco do Brasil, Bradesco, Next, Caixa, Santander, Banco Inter, Banco Original, and Sicredi also accept debit payments.


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