Red Bull sponsors “futuristic” filmmaking competition

Red Bull Sponsors “futuristic” Filmmaking Competition Red Bull Sponsors “futuristic” Filmmaking Competition
red bull sponsors “futuristic” filmmaking competition

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Contxto – Calling all Latin American videographers and aspiring futurists – don’t miss your opportunity to compete in Red Bull’s upcoming video contest. In collaboration with Futur/io Institute, the famous energy drink company wants to know your definition of “desirable future.”

What must you do to apply?

Right off the bat, contestants need to produce a video no longer than 60 seconds to compete. Any submission is valid, whether it be animated, professionally produced or even a straightforward vlog. Just be sure to upload it on YouTube or Vimeo before the February 10 deadline.

Equally important is thinking outside of the box, which shouldn’t be too hard for entrepreneurs. After all, this is an occasion to be creative, to take chances and to showcase your innovation skills. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a Steven Spielberg in the making, just a risk-taker with a clear vision.

How can you incorporate Latin American startups in your entry?

While you may want to watch some science fiction films for initial inspiration, there are also many sources of inspiration here in Latin America. Who knows, perhaps your video will entail providing affordable solar energy to the world. Well, that’s what Mexican greentech startup Bright wants to achieve by offering zero upfront costs to their clients.

Or maybe you fantasize about homes built out of plastic, as exemplified with Colombian startup Conceptos Plásticos that transforms plastic and rubber waste into building material. Similarly, Grupo ICH is a Mexican startup ingeniously converting discarded goods into attractive pairs of glasses for a low cost.

When it comes to sustainable innovation, the possibilities are literally endless.

What’s at stake?

The top 20 applicants will travel to Lisbon, Portugal from March 21-24 to attend the Red Bull Futur/io Academy. Contenders can anticipate learning the art of storytelling from industry experts for three exciting days. By the end, the project with the most perceived “impact” will become a full-length motion picture with Red Bull Media House.

Even though there can only be one winner, participants should look forward to a variety of workshops and mentorship, not to mention plenty of professional development.

A seven-person panel is set to critique submissions based on future desirability, creative narrative as well as inspirational ideas.

Are you ready to apply?

Now is the time to apply with less than two weeks remaining until the deadline.


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