Sebrae grants benefits of up to BRL$250,000 to startups

Benefits include discounts of up to 90% on tools such as Pipedrive, Slack, Notion and Hubspot, as well as more than BRL$250,000 in benefits on AWS, Zoho, Zendesk, Google Cloud and Microsoft platforms.
Startups can get discounts of up to 90% on tools such as Pipedrive, Slack, Notion and Hubspot, as well as more than BRL$250,000. Startups can get discounts of up to 90% on tools such as Pipedrive, Slack, Notion and Hubspot, as well as more than BRL$250,000.

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Launched in May 2023 during the Web Summit Rio, the Sebrae Startups platform brings together all Sebrae initiatives for early-stage businesses in Brazil. It gathers various opportunities for innovative startups, from acceleration programs to investments.

Since the brand’s launch until now, more than 6,000 new startups have been registered, and approximately 50 programs in 13 Brazilian states have been announced.

By registering for free on the platform, startups receive content and updates about the ecosystem, along with access to a Benefits Club.

So far, about 15 partners have been selected to offer various benefits, but the goal is to reach 30 by the end of the month and continue expanding.

Benefits include discounts of up to 90% on tools such as Pipedrive, Slack, Notion, and Hubspot, as well as over BRL$250,000 in benefits on platforms like AWS, Zoho, Zendesk, Google Cloud, and Microsoft. They are divided into bronze, silver, and gold to redeem, depending on the startup’s level.

“We seek benefits that can truly offer infrastructure so that startups don’t have to pay for it now. Cloud infrastructure, communication tools, productivity tools, and processes,” explains Alexandre Souza, project coordinator at Sebrae in Santa Catarina, and Sebrae Startups specialist.

The vast majority of selected players have structured programs for early-stage startups, including accelerators and incubators.

“They are usually companies that have been in the market for a while, offer advantages, and have specific programs for startups.

“The projection is to reach BRL$500,000 in funds when they become available on the platform. All of this is cash for the startup in this initial phase,” adds Souza.

Sasha Weber, Alura’s alliance executive, adds that these types of actions are essential to boost the development of startups.

“Benefits Clubs are a great way to encourage training and the evolution of technology, as well as facilitate access to different courses and actions that make sense for entrepreneurs at different stages of their business,” emphasizes the executive.

In addition to the Club, entrepreneurs have access to training, acceleration, and investment programs offered by Sebrae.

Some examples include Inova Amazônia, which focuses on supporting and generating new sustainable and innovative businesses, strengthening the Amazonian business ecosystem, and connecting entrepreneurs, the market, and investors.

Inova Startups, a startup development program that combines financial investment with a formative itinerary offering mentorship, workshops, connections, and supportive communities. Initiatives from all Brazilian states are present on the platform.

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