She Loves Tech is looking for startups to accelerate in Chile

She Loves Tech Is Looking For Startups To Accelerate In Chile She Loves Tech Is Looking For Startups To Accelerate In Chile
she loves tech is looking for startups to accelerate in chile

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Contxto – Now more than ever, the world needs women in tech and leading startups to tackle pressing issues. And a new platform in Chile has emerged for startups and women to participate and possibly soft-land into new markets.

She Loves Tech, a global competition for accelerating startups that address women and technology was launched yesterday (1) in Chile. Correspondingly, startups from this Latam country can apply for the local contest from which one winner will move onto the global competition.

At the grand finale, the Chilean startup will participate in a bootcamp and meet with key investors and experts in tech from China. Plus, there are equity-free funding opportunities as well.

These events will take place online but either way it’s great news for Chilean startups and women.

The deadline to apply is July 29. After which the local showdown will take place on August 19.

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She Loves Tech in Latam

It’s the first time this international competition debuts in Latin America. And organizers filled Contxto in on its upcoming plans for the region.

“We chose Chile because of its pre-existing ecosystem,” said She Loves Tech organizers. “And we’ll be using this as the starting point to connect with other Latin American countries. The next stop might be Peru, but we’re still in the planning phase.”

While coronavirus may have led the competition onto an online format, for its organizers it’s also further emphasized the importance of women as part of the planet’s biggest challenges.

“The Covid-19 pandemic has further stressed global issues like food security, sustainable energy, violence against women, and access to healthcare. And we increasingly rely on technology for educational purposes, as solutions for retailers, and financing. Women and technology have an important role to play in democratizing access to this.”

And for She Loves Tech, the time for “nice to haves” is over.

What was once ‘socially desirable,’ ‘sustainable,’ or ‘meaningful’ has now become ‘urgent’ and ‘necessary,’” conclude organizers.

Competition criteria

She Loves Tech would love to see tech startups addressing the following verticals:

  • Education
  • Food and agritech
  • Fintech
  • Smart cities
  • Health and well-being
  • Consumer and retail
  • Enterprise solutions
  • Women’s issues
  • Cleantech and sustainability

Moreover, organizers are looking for early-stage startups in the market for seed, angel, or Series A funding. Applicants must already have a minimum viable product (MVP) that’s beyond its conceptual stage.

Evidently, the focus on women is critical for She Loves Tech. That’s why startups must comply with one of the following requirements:

  • Have a female founder
  • Tender to a majority of female users
  • Tender to a majority of female consumers
  • Offer tech that impacts women in a positive way

If you’re psyched and ready to participate, you may apply here.

Related articles: Tech and startups from Chile!


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