Take your temperature with this Covid-crisis entrepreneurial poll

Take Your Temperature With This Covid-crisis Entrepreneurial Poll Take Your Temperature With This Covid-crisis Entrepreneurial Poll
take your temperature with this covid-crisis entrepreneurial poll

Keep up to Date with Latin American VC, Startups News

Contxto – I’ve been going on about how important clear and concise data is in these times of uncertainty. The pandemic is quickly degrading into one of the worst, if not the worst, global economic crises in more than a century. 

With an eye to achieving the maximum amount of clarity in a bad situation, we’ve teamed up with Mexican VC, Invent, to disseminate an entrepreneurs’ confidence poll that could be of some use for you.

But we need your help in answering it. Check it out, it’ll take less than a minute. I’ll wait:

An ecosystem’s-worth of heads is better than none

We’ve all certainly felt the frustration first hand with the coronavirus pandemic stats going around. 

How are they getting this info? Testing, modeling, guessing?

The questions are legion, and when things move exponentially, data is out of date virtually before you publish it. 

Similarly, when you’re working in a fast-evolving startup and venture capital (VC) ecosystem, taking decisions can no longer be made on precedent. A month ago is now ancient history. 

Therefore, we’re creating a new precedent with your help. 

We’re asking entrepreneurs, innovators, investors, techies, and anyone at all involved in this ecosystem to fill out this extremely short but important survey every week.

What?! Why so often?!

C’mon, just look at how short it is!

But these little questions, when answered across the Latam ecosystem, can provide extremely valuable insights into where we are going as a sector. 

It is weekly because history shows that economic crises aren’t so much nosedives, as they are roller coasters, creating a discernible trend may well be the key to sailing these choppy waters. 

Ultimately, if the members of this ecosystem can just get ahead of the curve, maybe, just maybe, we can identify trends beforehand, make timely enough decisions to survive and even prosper within this depression. 

A teaser taste of data

Here are a few interesting nuggets that jumped out at me in the just couple weeks the poll has been running:

The ecosystem this week felt mildly more optimistic than the week prior. This is surprising until you realize people were really not feeling optimistic at the end of March. 

Funnily enough, although most respondents are convinced the ecosystem as a whole will be severely affected, the same folks believe that their own company will come out on top of this whole episode.

Wishful thinking or the go-get-em attitude of startup culture? Drop us a line and tell us what you think.

Related articles: Tech and startups from Mexico!


Keep up to Date with Latin American VC, Startups News