VTEX has top tips on how to reshape e-commerce during Covid-19

Vtex Has Top Tips On How To Reshape E-commerce During Covid-19 Vtex Has Top Tips On How To Reshape E-commerce During Covid-19
vtex has top tips on how to reshape e-commerce during covid-19

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Contxto – Yes, yes, you’ve heard it at least a dozen times already. Coronavirus (Covid-19) is accelerating the uprise of e-commerce. But that’s not all. 

Self-isolation means users have grasped the utility of ordering something from the comfort of their couch. In addition, they’ve also sought out more meaningful experiences that give them a sense of connection despite being stuck at home. And because of this, Brazilian VTEX, says there’s no going back for businesses, digital or not.

As a startup that’s dedicated to developing e-commerce solutions, VTEX has experienced first-hand how companies have had to re-adapt to the outbreak. And it also shared some tips as to how companies can cope.

Adjusting to a new era

“Stores will have to adapt their service to create simple and efficient processes where they offer ‘smart checkouts’ and an ‘in-store’ [service] to make purchases faster and easier,” stated Santiago Naranjo, General Manager at VTEX North Latam.

That doesn’t mean online businesses are set for life though. 

“Meanwhile, e-commerce will have to amplify the experience by offering a process that’s much more integral and allows them to see the values and features of the brand they’re buying,” added the executive.

In other words, physical businesses need the efficiency and visibility of e-commerce. Whereas e-commerce requires a more immersive experience that’s usually given by physical businesses.

Interesting and ironic, this only highlights the fact that the customer experience (CX) will be more critical than ever before for a company.

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VTEX’s tips on stepping up your e-commerce game

The Brazilian startup knows the inbound economic scenario isn’t a pretty one. That’s why it also provides three tips on how commercial businesses can better prepare for what’s to come:

  • Find the right balance between discounts and full prices, so as to assure profitability.
  • Verify that all of your inventory can be sold online.
  • Use close relations as bridges to market and sell your products. This can be through your own team, friends, family, or even brand ambassadors.

To this, I would add that the CX-side of your business is equally important.

For that, there are two fundamental pillars to keep in mind when it comes to a fantastic customer experience. The first is to exercise empathy at all times. Place your business and team in your customers’ shoes. Who are they? What gets them up in the morning? What’s their day-to-day like?

And second, take a proactive approach with your users. That means seeking them out to offer a meaningful experience rather than them hunting you down when things go awry.

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