Zippedi revamps robots to fight Covid in retailers

Zippedi Revamps Robots To Fight Covid In Retailers Zippedi Revamps Robots To Fight Covid In Retailers
Chile Zippedi Revamps Robots Fight Covid Retailers

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Contxto – Chilean Zippedi’s robots just got more tricked out. The startup recently added new features to its retail bots to reduce the spread of coronavirus. 

Why it’s a big deal: Considering how long “the new normal” will last, these additional services will come in handy for retailers that can become Covid-19 hot spots if precautions aren’t taken.

Zippedi zips in with more features

Zippedi’s AI robots were rolling up and down supermarket aisles helping retailers manage their stock when the coronavirus pandemic came in. And considering the potential for the virus to spread in these locations, the startup has released new tools to help vendors cope.

This week Zippedi unveiled that it’s added a mapping feature for third party platforms, like logistics startups, to use.

Through the service, a Cornershop shopper, for example, can easily identify an aisle to pick up a requested item using the app, as opposed to wandering through the entire store risking their health and that of others.

Plus, it saves everyone time as they more immediately reach their destination.

Its second addition uses video imaging to let supervisors remotely monitor how stocked shelves are. If one area is looking empty, personnel can identify it at a distance and go there directly.

And the Zippedi team doesn’t plan on stopping there. Work is underway to develop a disinfecting robot that uses UV light to eliminate any pathogens that might be around.

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Speeding up tech adoption

Like many other startups, Zippedi had intended to launch these services at a later date. However, coronavirus sped up their release. But Covid-19 has not only hastened startups’ plans. 

It’s forcing humans to quickly embrace robots and AI tech to complete tasks previously considered “simple.” One example is Rappi and Kiwibot using bots to complete food deliveries in Colombia.

And for now, the robo-creations of startups like Zippedi, Roomie IT, and Kiwibot might seem like an odd sight in supermarkets, hospitals, and public spaces in general. Nonetheless, these tech innovations are here to stay. 

Eventually, a time will come when it shall be hard to imagine our lives without them.

Related articles: Tech and startups from Chile!


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