Chucaw and Reite, Chilean Startups, Expand to France with Science and Technology Innovations

This opportunity signifies a major advance for Chucaw and Reite, not Just in training and international expansion, but also in enhancing their value propositions in a competitive global market.
Chucaw Reite Startups Chile Chucaw Reite Startups Chile
Companies set to strengthen their presence in the french market | Photo: Trophée Startup 2023

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The Trophée Startup 2023 contest, a prestigious initiative organized by the French Embassy in Chile, Business France, and Inria Chile, has named Chucaw and Reite as this year’s winning startups. These emerging companies will receive a comprehensive training and internationalization package in both Chile and France, an opportunity that will open doors to the European market.

Reite, an innovative company, is focused on changing the way people purchase everyday products, by implementing artificial intelligence cameras to transform conventional stores into autonomous establishments. Meanwhile, Chucaw aims to bring the most advanced science and technology to vulnerable communities to help them adapt and become resilient to climate change.

The Trophée Startup, supported by the National Agency for Research and Development (ANID), French Foreign Trade Advisors, Corfo, ProChile, Start-Up Chile, and recently BancoEstado, serves as a platform for boosting emerging businesses. It also enjoys the sponsorship of companies such as Air France, BNP Paribas, Engie, and Total Eren.

A jury consisting of representatives from these institutions and from ACTI Chile, Bpifrance, CCEF, CHILETEC, along with the sponsors of the Trophée Startup, evaluated the pitches of the seven finalists: Beeing Company, Chucaw, DomoLif, GCare, Guayacán Solutions, Hacknoid, and Reite. After assessing their projects and expansion plans, Chucaw and Reite were selected as the winners of the coveted training and expansion package in France.

This training and internationalization package includes a series of key benefits for the startups’ growth:

  • Specialized training in deep technologies (deeptech) through Inria Academy.
  • Training sessions on opportunities in the French market, provided by Business France.
  • Networking opportunities with research centers, government entities, and large corporations.
  • Inclusion in an acceleration program at a globally recognized French accelerator.
  • Participation in Vivatech, one of the world’s most important technology events.

This opportunity represents a significant leap for Chucaw and Reite, not only in terms of training and international expansion but also in strengthening their value propositions in a competitive global market. With this boost, these startups are well-positioned to elevate their innovations on the European and global stage.

Chile is establishing itself as one of the regional leaders in innovation. Remember, the latest Innovation Index by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) placed the Andean country as the second most innovative in Latin America in 2023, only behind Brazil.

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