Edutech Le Wagon to grant 100 scholarships to support female inclusion in the tech sector

The initiative by Le Wagon, in collaboration with the Inter-American Development Bank and Quotanda, aims to reduce the gender gap in the tech industry.
Le Wagon-Grants-Women Le Wagon-Grants-Women
Le Wagon-Grants-Women-Mexico

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Le Wagon, a renowned school for intensive programming and data science boot camps, is committed to promoting female inclusion in the technology sector in Mexico. In partnership with the Inter-American Development Bank and Quotanda, it will award 100 scholarships to Mexican women or residents in the country. This initiative, known as the Income Share Agreement (ISA), aims to bring women closer to the tech industry by providing them with the necessary technical tools to enhance their profiles and start paying for the boot camp once they secure employment.

According to LinkedIn data, in 2022, women represent only 28% of the workforce in the tech industry. In response to this situation, Le Wagon has designed the Income Share Agreement to equip women with the technological skills necessary to close this gender gap. The scholarships will allow the beneficiaries to participate in Data Science and Full Development boot camps and start paying for them only when they find employment.

Edutech Le Wagon strategically focuses on reducing the gender gap in technology, as evidenced by its staff composition, with 54% of its collaborators being women, 40% of technology positions occupied by women, and 45% of management positions led by women.

Le Wagon invites Mexican women to explore the opportunities that boot camps in tech skills can offer them and to take advantage of these 100 scholarships to transform their professional careers.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) forecasts that by 2025, up to 50% of basic skills will change, gradually reskilling today’s workforce. Therefore, investors interested in the sector need to focus their efforts on reducing the gender gap in activities that, until a few years ago, were considered exclusively for “men.”

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Top 10 Skills 2025. (Source: WEF)

Additionally, global investment in Edtech has experienced significant growth, going from USD $500 million to USD $16.1 billion in 2022, with projections of an 18% increase in the technology education sector over the next seven years.

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Overview of the EdTech sector in 2021. (Source: BID & HolonIQ)

Regarding the education sector in Mexico, it reached USD $63.1 billion in 2021, according to ICEX, making it the second-largest market in Latin America, generating 17.6% of the region’s revenues. The Mexican government is the primary driver of demand in the country, as public spending represents 62.7% of the total. Moreover, the edtech industry in Mexico reached a market size of USD $635.7 million in 2022.

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Evolution of online education spending. (Source: CEX)

This initiative by Le Wagon represents a significant opportunity for the tech sector in Mexico, as it will contribute to increasing female representation in an industry where women are underrepresented. Furthermore, the growth of investment in edtech and the transformation of the education market provide opportunities for startups and VCs in the technology education sector in the region.

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