Endeavor and AmCham Chile Launch “Hazte local en Miami” to Boost Chilean Entrepreneurs’ Internationalization

With this program, Endeavor and AmCham aim to pave a strategic path for 30 Chilean companies looking to branch out in the US.
Hazte Local-Chile Hazte Local-Chile
Hazte Local-Chile

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In a joint effort to enhance the entrepreneurial ecosystem, Endeavor and the Chilean-American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham Chile), in partnership with Vantaz Group, have launched the “Hazte local en Miami” initiative. The program aims to provide specialized training and advice to over 30 startups and scale-ups eager to penetrate the US market.

The initiative addresses many pivotal aspects in business expansion, ranging from legal and tax matters to marketing and finance. Furthermore, the program will feature an exploratory tour allowing entrepreneurs to grasp the dynamics of the international market and tap into lucrative business opportunities.

Fernanda Narváez, director of the Access to Markets area at Endeavor, stated in a press release:

“We’re thrilled about the rollout of this program. We’re offering a comprehensive guide to assist businesses in establishing themselves in one of the world’s most vibrant markets.”

Paula Estévez, general manager of AmCham Chile, emphasized that the initiative is especially timely considering the 20th anniversary of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the US.

“We see a significant opportunity for Chilean SMEs and entrepreneurs to solidify their presence in the American market,” Estévez added.

The alliance with Vantaz Group brings additional support to the project, offering in-depth and tailored analyses for each entrepreneur. “We are here to support them in this challenge, and we’re delighted to be part of this crucial initiative,” shared Mauro Mezzano, partner and Co-CEO of Vantaz Group.

According to the Global LATAM 2022 study, co-conducted by ICEX-Invest in Spain and SEGIB, Latin America’s investment activity on the global stage showed remarkable growth in 2022, marking a 75% rise compared to the previous year. Eleven of the top 100 non-financial corporations from developing nations with a notable international presence hail from the region.

“Hazte local en Miami” will conclude in November with a joint tour to Miami, catered for entrepreneurs handpicked by the three organizing institutions.

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