Legria, chilean proptech, receives USD $3 Million investment to expand in the second home market

Chilean Proptech Legria Specializing in Second Homes Raises $3 Million from Ameris Capital to Boost Growth in Chilean Market.
Legria Legria
Photo: Legria

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Chilean proptech startup Legria, focusing on the second home market, has secured significant funding of USD $3 million in private debt, led by Ameris Capital in the investment round. This capital is earmarked for acquiring strategic properties, thereby reinforcing its expansion strategy in the Chilean market.

Legria, founded in 2022 by Ignacio del Río as CEO and Pedro Pablo Mir as CPO and CFO, has innovated in the real estate market with a platform that allows buyers to acquire fractions of luxury properties. These fractions are represented by shares in a company that owns the property, thus facilitating access to second homes.

With operations already established in Chile and Miami, United States, Legria offers investors and interested individuals the opportunity to acquire luxurious properties, fully remodeled and furnished.

The recent capital injection will focus on business expansion in Chile, with an acquisition plan covering key locations like Marbella, Zapallar, Cachagua, Maitencillo, Las Tacas, Villarrica, Pucón, and Lago Ranco.

Del Río emphasizes the company’s goal to reach a broader audience and continue its growth in the most sought-after destinations in Chile and America. With this new financing, Legria is positioned to strengthen its presence in the second home market and expand its reach to more potential clients in the region.

Regarding the real estate sector in the region, between 2022 and 2023, there has been a substantial increase in rental costs in major cities of Latin America and the Caribbean, according to data from Statista. Argentina is the most affected country in the region, with an approximate 126% increase in rental costs for apartments in Buenos Aires, a stark contrast to Mexico City, which ranks second with a 12% increase.

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