Argentine Wimet rewrites office space rules post-Covid

Argentine Wimet Rewrites Office Space Rules Post-covid Argentine Wimet Rewrites Office Space Rules Post-covid
Argentina Wimet Office Space Post Covid

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Contxto – 2020 might very well be remembered as the year we swapped suits for sweatpants. The Covid-19 pandemic has fundamentally reshaped how and where we work. Argentine startup, Wimet, is positioned for massive growth in this environment, as it helps companies and individuals find places to work or host an event. 

Wimet’s competitive prices mean that high-quality, professional spaces are more accessible to consumers than ever before. Equally, Wimet provides a much-needed service to vendors who are struggling to fill their venues.

The startup offers various subscription plans for those taking advantage of Wimet as a co-working space. This lets users choose how often they will work IRL (remember that?!) and pay accordingly. 

Wimet is not only focused on the market for digital nomads. Much to the contrary, some of the world’s biggest corporations, the likes of Visa, McKinsey, and Nike, are already big fans of Wimet’s meeting spaces.

Wimet was born ready for Covid (sort of…)

Like all businesses, the pandemic forced Wimet to adapt. But the flexibility and range of options built into the platform allowed it to respond successfully to the new normal.

In fact, its CEO and founder, Frederico Bianchi, noted that in the pandemic he “saw an opportunity to facilitate access to spaces for remote work, with the flexibility that each individual person, team, or company needs.”

Bianchi acknowledged the uncertainty around returning back to work but affirmed that Wimet is “ready, when the isolation rules allow, to help professionals find the perfect place to work and meet in an easy, flexible, and convenient way.”

Changing landscape for office work

High-profile office space is no longer the hallmark of success in a world where tech tools have made working from home the norm. This trend is nothing new, but the pandemic has accelerated the push away from traditional work environments.

The exact future of post-Covid office space is uncertain. But it is definitely worth keeping an eye on companies like Wimet that are facing today’s challenges with innovative offerings.


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