Infinity Life Tech from Chile anticipates launching app to measure emotional well-being

Infinity Life Tech From Chile Anticipates Launching App To Measure Emotional Well-being Infinity Life Tech From Chile Anticipates Launching App To Measure Emotional Well-being
infinity life tech from chile anticipates launching app to measure emotional well-being

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Contxto – The emotional well-being of customers will soon be trackable with Infinity Life Tech, a Chilean startup redefining the insurtech sector. Founded earlier this year, the company will soon release the Infinity Life mobile app.

According to a recent press release, this will reportedly be the first to measure emotional well-being in the evolving insurtech sector. That’s to say, with this solution, users will be able to store and relive moments, emotions, places and documents relating to certain life experiences of their choosing.

“The idea of Infinity Life Experiences is centered around pictures, sound recordings and even videos of memories you want to store as part of your life journey,” said Leopoldo Scanavino, the Chief Product & Data Officer. With the solution, he offers over 11 years of experience leading digital, architecture and data projects.

“These will be linked with the emotion of that experience in order to map your emotional wellbeing.”

Over time, the platform will acquire data pertinent to a person’s tastes and preferences that could potentially coincide with insurance plans.

“By collecting data on user behavior, we can then customize insurance offerings,” added Scanavino in recent email correspondence.

Moving along, the company hopes to attract new customers with products and services promoting emotional well-being.

Infinity Life app

Infinity Life Tech is reportedly the first insurtech devoted to the emotional well-being of its customers. 

“The application gives users a weekly report showing the difference compared to last week,” said Fernando Laurito Giuliano, founder and CEO of Infinity Life Tech.

“This way, a person can see if this week they experienced more feelings associated with joy, happiness or sadness. It also tells them what they should do next week to feel better.”

Through this new platform, users can look forward to assigning emotions to certain experiences. Like reacting to a Facebook status, these feelings range from love, joy, anger, fear, among others. Following this announcement, the technology will deliver reports of the positive experiences users have, based on their preferences.

Based on this information, the Infinity Life app will also generate action-based recommendations for users to augment these positive sensations.

Besides this, the technology can also monitor physical activity, sleep quality, as well as geolocation features. All of these features will be possible without needing a smartwatch or smartband. 

While monitoring happiness in real-time, the app won’t bombard users with marketing or advertising. Unlike traditional social networks, whatever information users upload to Infinity Life will remain confidential and protected. 

Types of users

Based on a recent press release, there are three types of users that Infinity Life is pursuing. The first is the “Infiniter,” or everyday consumers associating experiences with positive emotions.

Its second type of customer is partnering companies and institutions seeking to support employees’ mental and physical health. Lastly, insurance companies represent the third customer segment, or at least those wanting to support their clients with this new initiative. 

Dream team 

In addition to Giuliano and Scanavino, other team members provide years of relevant experience. For example, Juliana Laurito as the Chief Behavioral Officer focuses on mental components of operations. With her background in psychology, she will ensure that the app leverages the latest psychological research. 

As of today, Infinity Life Tech currently operates in Chile and Argentina but is currently in talks with Latin American and European firms. The plan is to have the app available in the general market over the next two months. 


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