Jumpseller acquires HandyCommerce from Colombia

Jumpseller Acquires Handycommerce From Colombia Jumpseller Acquires Handycommerce From Colombia
jumpseller acquires handycommerce from colombia

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ContxtoHandyCommerce, the Colombian eCommerce platform, recently announced that Portuguese company, Jumpseller, will be acquiring the startup.

In Summary

In a press release, the company formalized the transaction, though the terms of the deal remained undisclosed.

HandyCommerce offers services of codeless website creation. With their intuitive platform, users are able to create eCommerce websites in a matter of minutes. On top of that, it helps users get all set up without having to code the website themselves, including basic website security measures and taking care of billing and shipping procedures.

Jumpseller, though Portuguese-born, has been focusing on growing its presence in Latin America, specifically in Chile. It offers practically the same services as HandyCommerce, thus to enter the Colombian market, it made sense to acquire a competitor.


“Thanks to the good reception we have received from our Colombian customers and knowing that there is a growing demand for quality services, we decided to bet on Colombia and work to be a reference platform for the country,” said Tiago Matos, one of the founders of Jumpseller in a press release.

With this strategic merger, Jumpseller is aiming to attract Colombian entrepreneurs seeking eCommerce solutions for robust business development. Jumpseller has partnered with payments systems such as PayU, ePayco and offices like Servientrega  for pre-integrated local payments.

Participation in Colombia will give entry to many entrepreneurs to events such as the HotSale. Specifically, startups must fulfill certain technical specifications that tend to have high development costs and were previously not possible.

“I am happy to announce this negotiation with Jumpseller, we believe that among all the alternatives to Handy Commerce is the option that best suits the needs of our customers and the Colombian market.”

According to the same press release, Jumpseller will implement client migration over time.


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