Rockstart Colombia reveals 10 startups in the upcoming acceleration batch

Rockstart Colombia Reveals 10 Startups In The Upcoming Acceleration Batch Rockstart Colombia Reveals 10 Startups In The Upcoming Acceleration Batch
rockstart colombia reveals 10 startups in the upcoming acceleration batch

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Contxto – After four years of exciting operations, Rockstart Colombia has recently announced its third edition with a new batch of startups. 

Part of this year’s Web & Mobile acceleration program is an alliance with its fellow Colombian startup Rappi. Not only that but allegedly Rockstart is the only equity-back accelerator in the world. This means that startups can request their shares back if they aren’t satisfied with the program.

Added into the mix is plenty of networking and access to over 300 investors during Demo Day. There will also be an International Investors Meetup where up to 50 of the most prominent angel and VC investors will attend. 

Since its inception, Rockstart Colombia is one of the most active accelerators in the country with a portfolio of 30 investments. Future plans include a restructuring of capital between 10 and 15 million dollars as it continues to consolidate itself. 


Crowdfunding for the agricultural industry in Colombia, this web platform is responsible for democratizing the investment process for high-impact agricultural projects. In turn, partners in rural parts of the country can raise the funds they need to better manage operations, turn a profit, and even potentially commercialize products. 

Atlas Home

As the only non-Colombian startup in this batch, this Honduran web platform works in the real estate sector. Using emerging financial technology, Atlas Home allows users to buy, sell and rent properties. All in all, it unifies the consumer sector with financial systems and real estate offerings for one effective process. 


Patients and doctors can better communicate with each other through the CareCloud platform. This healthtech offers three products. Firstly, Saludtools provides users with digital versions of patients’ clinical history.

Secondly, Radiofarmica is for effective management, production and administrative software specifically made for patients taking radioactive drugs. Thirdly is Telemedicine with hardware for remote medical consultation over mobile apps and video consulting calls.


Functioning as a virtual psychology center, Enterapia has over 300 patients using its technology. Not only is it a great platform for therapy-seekers but also professionals to reach more clients. It specifically caters to the Latino population located across the world via video chat.  


Factcil is a fintech delivering liquidity to users who otherwise have little opportunities. What’s provided includes plenty of suppliers to offers quick and efficient capital to customers. Decisions are made in less than 24 hours. It’s also a great tool for invoicing and collections. 

Peak U

Jobseekers have many opportunities to land new gigs through Peak U’s solution. In terms of speed, the platform can quickly recruit candidates to jobs, many of which are focused on the U.S. market. For added efficiency, it focuses on the entire recruitment process.

Everything from the search, contact, to the selection process. At the same time, the startup leverages AI and bots to screen candidates. Everything begins with uploading a resume to the app. 

Pencil App

Within the edtech realm, Pencil App has developed three applications for school administrators, teachers, as well as parents. This way, all of the players within the education supply chain can be in constant communication with one another. Emphasis is particularly on early childhood development education in Latin America. 


If you have ever had a difficult time choosing which gym to join, Savy has a resolution. Through the platform, users can access a variety of fitness and wellness centers from the network.

In this regard, supply always coincides with demand. Ultimately, users don’t have to pay a membership for one location, but one flat rate provides a plethora of options. 


With the latest digital content processing and optimization techniques, Sindyk works with Colombian publishers to streamline the industry. That’s to say, publishers can solely dedicate themselves to producing quality content while Sindyk takes care of the rest.

This B2B solution includes distribution, UX, monetization, advertising, etc. Potential subscribers can request a free 30-day demo with implementation taking three weeks.  

Whale & Jaguar

Companies resort to Whale & Jaguar to improve their communication strategy using AI, data analytics, in addition to process automatization.

The team comprised of physicists and communication professionals can convert reputation data, audiences and trends into strategies and content for brands, in real-time.

Check out our previous coverage of Whale & Jaguar!


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