What happens when you invest in Contxto?

What Happens When You Invest In Contxto? What Happens When You Invest In Contxto?
what happens when you invest in contxto?

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Contxto – Contxto has announced that it will be opening up its first financing round to the public. That means that anyone can now invest in Contxto—Latin America’s surefire tech, startup, and venture capital (VC) platform—while you can.

Potential investors will have until June 7 to do so at Arkangeles.co:

Becoming an angel in the world of investment is not far off from the real-winged-thing: You become a bright light, a lifeline, in an often bleak reality for founders.

This is not far from what Contxto does in Latin America. We sincerely believe that we can do our part by shining a light on the innovation, investment, and talent of a region so often shadowed by bad news. 

But we do need help.

We’ve raised a certain amount of capital. However, we realized that we could offer a chance to step up to the plate to the people who drive our continued existence. That’s folks like you, dear reader. 

With reader participation, this round will result in two crucial outcomes:

  1. Contxto will be able to expedite its plans to grow into hitherto uncharted sectors of Latin American data and information.
  2. The company’s success will mean tangible returns.

Let me explain both these points.

Know thyself through Contxto

This funding round will allow us to take the information we give you to the next level.

Providing you with more of the analysis you’ve come to love, bolstering the data you’ve come to depend on. We’ll be building a tri-lingual platform—that English, Spanish, and Portuguese—to give you regional intelligence that is, as of this moment, literally unavailable.

I cannot emphasize how important this is. I am sick and tired—and I know that investors and founders are too—of seeing analyses based on data from other countries to justify investments, business models, and startups in our region of the world. 

In Latam, a lack of good intel is a massive reason why growth can often be sluggish. It’s also why only surefire copycats backed by billionaire companies seem to really get ahead. 

Latin America will never suck itself out of its chasm of stagnation if it does not first truly understand its own markets, pitfalls, strengths, and opportunities. In other words, it must know who it really is.  

Return on investment

The ethos behind Contxto is betting on the collective power of our entrepreneurs, investors, and innovators to reinvent Latin America for the better.

We are therefore investing our time, effort, and money on linking up these often disparate actors into a cohesive force to be reckoned with.

If Contxto succeeds, a whole continent succeeds.

Why? Because innovation creates jobs, makes better products, and drives economic and social development. A bona fide path to prosperity. 

In Argentina, 70 percent of employment is created by SMEs. Well over half of Mexico’s GDP comes from small and medium-sized enterprises. The vast majority of actual growth comes from a handful of startups. 

But let me remind you that these are not just any jobs; they are the sustainable jobs of the future. 

This is why, through this investment, Contxto will also be getting actively involved in job creation with our upcoming “Jobs” platform. In it, we will use our custom-built, regional network to foster relationships between startups and the skilled people they’ll need to build the new world.   

So there you have it. An investment opportunity that expires in a month and which could determine the path of an entire ecosystem for a generation.

I’d say the stakes are pretty high.


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