Alaya Capital, Which Has Invested in Betterfly and Houm, Will Allocate An Additional US$100M to Latam

Alaya Capital, Which Has Invested In Betterfly And Houm, Will Allocate An Additional Us$100m To Latam Alaya Capital, Which Has Invested In Betterfly And Houm, Will Allocate An Additional Us$100m To Latam
ph: AlvaroCorral / [email protected]

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The Argentinian venture capital firm Alaya Capital launched a third US$100 million fund to invest in Latin American startups. The firm is focused on sustainable, social, and government developments, with a to 2030.

With this announcement, they also shared that Juan Manuel Giner joined the Alaya Capital team as Managing Partner. Giner is the former executive director of the Argentine Association of Private Capital, Entrepreneur and Seed (ARCAP).

He was one of the key characters making several VC associations in Latin America come together. During the four years that he was leading ARCAP, investments grew from US$140 million to US$1.3 billion in the country, according to a statement.

With the US$100 million from this third fund, Alaya plans to invest in seed rounds and Series A, with tickets ranging between US$1 and US$5 million. Giner estimates having approximately 25 new companies within the next 3-5 years.

The main markets they will be looking at for these startups are Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. However, Alaya is also open to opportunities that may come out of regions with little prominence so far in the startup ecosystem, such as the Caribbean.

The firm will seek to invest in companies with a similar track record as Betterfly, Houm, and 123seguro. These three companies were some of their first investments, and to this day they continue to scale and lead their respective sectors in the region.

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