Alibaba’s Cloud technology now comes to Mexico

Alibaba Group announced the abandonment of its plans to spin off its cloud business as a separate entity through an initial public offering (IPO).
Alibaba Cloud made its entry into Mexico with the purpose of offering computing services in both the public and private cloud. Alibaba Cloud made its entry into Mexico with the purpose of offering computing services in both the public and private cloud.

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Alibaba Cloud, the cloud services division of the Chinese tech giant Alibaba Group, made its entry into Mexico with the purpose of offering both public and private cloud computing services.

Its main focus is to drive the technification of established businesses in the country and promote social inclusion.

The launch took place on November 16, coinciding with the meeting between Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Asia-Pacific Summit in California.

Simultaneously, the Alibaba Group announced the abandonment of its plans to spin off its cloud business as an independent entity through an initial public offering (IPO).

Alibaba Cloud’s arrival in Mexico is carried out in partnership with, its local partner, following Alibaba’s usual strategy of expanding into new regions through collaborations.

According to Gao Yuan, Director of Alibaba Cloud for Latin America, the company never undertakes these expansions independently.

Regarding its flagship product, the cloud, Yuan indicated that they will offer technology for both the public and private cloud of the Alibaba Group, as well as network solutions to help various companies and industries improve their business operations.

David Adissi, Founder and CEO of, emphasized that they will focus on strengthening commerce, especially in the financial sector, and seek to reinforce the value and supply chains of companies, covering aspects such as manufacturing, production, or logistics.

Adissi highlighted his commitment to the technification of the industry and the development of cutting-edge technology, as well as implementing new business models and technology-based initiatives.

Their goal is to accelerate the evolution of society through technology, considering it key to the sustainability of society and humanity.

Referring to inclusion, Adissi emphasized the importance of making technology accessible to everyone, both technically and economically. In this regard, he expressed the need to view technology from an inclusive perspective, not privilege.

Gao Yuan recalled Alibaba’s foundational mission 34 years ago by Jack Ma, which is to help people do business more easily worldwide.

Adissi highlighted the impact of Alibaba on the economic development of China and the support of small and medium-sized enterprises, aspiring to replicate that success in Mexico and the region.

Yuan, aware of Alibaba’s recent foray into Latin America, mentioned that they will introduce innovations to empower the region with technology, aiming to make it better.

He also emphasized that, although Alibaba has had great success in Asia and Europe, its presence in Latin America is relatively new, and Mexico has the opportunity to stand out as the main power in the region.

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