Hola! We are Contxto, Your Go-to Website For Latin America’s Tech, Startups, and Venture Capital News

Hola! We Are contxto, Your Go-to Website For Latin America's Tech, Startups, And Venture Capital News Hola! We Are contxto, Your Go-to Website For Latin America's Tech, Startups, And Venture Capital News
hola! we are contxto, your go-to website for latin america’s tech, startups, and venture capital news

Keep up to Date with Latin American VC, Startups News

Contxto – Information is still obscure. We’re here to fix that.

Is Silicon Valley the only place where innovation happens? Aren’t there other tech hubs around the world?

Well apart from being a world-famous destination for tech talent, they’re also great at communicating what they do. The exposure those startups and tech companies get in the media is just outstanding. But it is not the only place where great things are happening.

The startup ecosystem in emerging markets is growing and there are new technology companies solving local and global problems.

Even though there are many world-class Latin American startups, they don’t get covered in the media as much, mainly because there is no media for them.

Contxto is your go-to tech publication for news, tutorials, interviews, job opportunities, data and everything related to the tech community in Latin America.

We’re here to offer you true, updated and fun information about Latam startups. We’re telling you everything about its contxto.

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