Platzi and Duolingo Join Forces to Strengthen English Learning in the Region

Platzi And Duolingo Join Forces To Strengthen English Learning In The Region Platzi And Duolingo Join Forces To Strengthen English Learning In The Region
Drew Beamer 3sixzisims4 Unsplash

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Platzi and Duolingo have announced an educational alliance to strengthen the teaching and certification of students in Latin America.

They explained in a statement that Platzi English Academy will deliver, free of charge, to its community a total of 200 Duolingo English Tests. These exams were developed by Duolingo and their certificates have international recognition similar to the TOEFL tests.

Latin America has shown an increase in digital training since the Covid 19 pandemic began; this was one of the reasons why Platzi and Duolingo joined forces. Companies have realized that mastering several languages, especially English, is a great added value for professionals who are in constant training.

A great advantage of this alliance is that the Duolingo evaluation model eliminates geographical limitations and allows anyone in the world to be certified internationally. In addition, it turns out to be a more accessible option than others on the market, since it costs US$49 compared to the US$200 charged by other similar services.

Currently, the Duolingo English Test is accepted in more than 3,000 universities around the world, being a facilitator for access to study at an international level.

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