Tecnológico de Monterrey and Dell launch new eSports training center

Tecnológico De Monterrey And Dell Launch New Esports Training Center Tecnológico De Monterrey And Dell Launch New Esports Training Center
tecnológico de monterrey and dell launch new esports training center

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Contxto – Following a US$100 thousand investment from multinational tech giant Dell, Tec de Monterrey in Guadalajara plans to inaugurate Mexico’s first ever eSports training center.

In Summary

You may be wondering what an eSport training center entails or looks like. Well, instead of your typical workout machines or weights, this scheme is less physical and more mental. Based on reports, the facility will offer 20 new modules for players to “train” for upcoming matches.

This development comes after Tec won the National Championship of eSports in 2019 against other private universities. Organizers chose League of Legends for this tournament based on its popularity with competitors and multiplayer options. First place prizes included trophies, new keyboards, and other gaming accessories.


On the same wavelength as Super Mario Smash Bros, League of Legends allows teams of up to five people to face off in the fast-paced strategy game. Part of the fun also involves gamers selecting “champions” of their choosing. Each character possesses different talents that may assist or prevent you from defeating opponents.

Teams that win two out of three matches come out triumphant until there’s only one left standing.

“I think this sport is going to grow a lot,” said Fernando Verdugo, director of athletic operations and sports at Guadalajara’s Tec campus. “I see the possibility that the champions of these national tournaments can represent us in international competitions.”

Installation will reportedly begin in July and end in August.

tecnológico de monterrey and dell launch new esports training center


It looks like gamers are one step closer to becoming professional athletes in Mexico. Specifically, the Mexican Sports Federation (FEMES) recently announced plans to organize, regulate and professionalize the country’s eSports industry.

This past February, FEMES said that qualifying teams participating in League of Legends, FIFA, Fornite or Overwatch competitions could be recognized as high-performance athletes.

Part of the bigger picture is that eSports will soon become a billion dollar global ecosystem according to the World Economic Forum. With such value also comes major prize money not to mention sponsorships and media appearances.

Passionate gamers could earn up to US$25 million in winnings when everything is taken into account. To date, Kuro Takhasomi from Germany has become the highest earning player with an accumulated wealth of US$3.5 million.

Keeping all of this in mind, this new eSports center could really do wonders in Guadalajara. Not only would it nurture local gamers to reach their full potential but potentially stimulate new entrepreneurship and startups catering to gamers. Exciting stuff.


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