500 Global strengthens its presence in LatAm with investments in 12 emerging startups

500 Global bets on the talent of Latin American entrepreneurs by investing in 12 emerging startups known for their innovation.
500 Global startups LatAm 500 Global startups LatAm
Of the total companies, six are from Mexico, five from Colombia, and one from Chile | Photo: Pexels

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The startup scene in Latin America is gaining significant momentum, and 500 Global, a renowned investment fund rooted in Silicon Valley, is showcasing a deep interest in this burgeoning region. In a recent announcement, 500 Global revealed it has infused capital into 12 promising Latin American startups, a move made under its funding program called Somos Lucha.

Out of these 12 emerging companies, geographical diversity is evident, reflecting the vast landscape of innovation stretching across the continent. Six of these companies hail from the heart of Mexico, five are based in Colombia, and one embodies the entrepreneurial spirit of Chile.

In addition to their geographical origin, these startups span various industries, including FinTech, AdTech, AgTech, HealthTech, HRTech, Foodtech, SME Solutions, and Developer Tools. This diversity not only showcases the breadth of innovation in the region but also the capability of 500 Global to identify and back ventures across multiple domains.

500 Global and the Somos Lucha program

500 Global is no newcomer to the investment game. With years of experience and an impressive investment portfolio, they have developed a meticulously designed program model for early-stage startups. As detailed in a statement, each company within the Somos Lucha program not only stands a chance to receive a financial proposal but also benefits from 16 weeks of intensive work.

During this period, the founders and their teams immerse themselves in a collaborative process with the investment fund, tackling critical areas of the business, from product development to growth strategy, spanning fundraising and overall management.

The tailored support 500 Global offers through Somos Lucha attests to their commitment to startup success. It’s not just a capital infusion they bring to the table; it’s a long-term partnership, a guiding hand to steer startups through entrepreneurial challenges.

To grasp the magnitude of 500 Global’s impact in the region, it’s essential to look at their past investments. Since the inception of its operations, the fund has channeled over USD $39 million into more than 260 projects scattered across Latin America. And we’re not talking minor investments. Their awe-inspiring portfolio boasts heavyweight names like Canva, Talkdesk, Twilio, Konfio, Clip, and 99Minutos.

This recent announcement of investments into 12 startups underscores 500 Global’s belief in the potential of Latin America as a hotbed of innovation. As more investment funds like 500 Global turn their attention and resources toward the region, the future of startups in Latin America looks bright.

With willing investors and a burgeoning startup ecosystem, Latin America is positioning itself as a powerhouse in the global entrepreneurial world. With the backing of institutions like 500 Global, the region’s startups are enviably poised to turn ideas into disruptive realities.

Moreover, such seed-stage investments are of paramount importance given the backdrop that LatAm startups faced in 2023. The early and seed-stage investment saw a marked decline. In the third quarter, we witnessed an initial investment of USD $196 million, marking a 50% decrease from the second quarter and a 46% drop compared to the same period the previous year, according to data provided by Crunchbase.

“Each startup in the program has the opportunity to receive an investment offer and has access to 16 intensive weeks of work with the founders and their teams. This program model is tailored for early-stage companies and allows the investment fund to provide personalized support in all aspects of the business, such as product, fundraising, growth, and management, over 16 weeks,” stated 500 Global in a press release.

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