Startup Grind Santiago boosts innovation with an event on Artificial Intelligence

With key figures like Daniel Atik and Maria Les Spalthoff in attendance, AISummerParty is an event that promises to be not only informative and enriching but also a vital meeting point for those looking to be at the forefront of AI.
Startup Grind Santiago Artificial Intelligence Startup Grind Santiago Artificial Intelligence
Image: Pexels

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In an era where  Artificial Intelligence (AI) is present in countless aspects of our lives, changing the way we work, learn, and communicate,  Startup Grind Santiago is gearing up to open its doors to the “#AISummerParty: the Future of Artificial Intelligence” event. Scheduled for Thursday, December 14, 2023, this meeting promises to be a mix of fun, networking opportunities, and, most importantly, deep learning about recent advances and achievements in AI.

The venue is the WeWork Apoquindo in Las Condes, in the capital of Chile. Starting at 6:30 pm (local time), attendees will have the chance to dive into the world of AI, guided by two prominent figures in the field: Daniel Atik, current CPO of CodeGPT, co-founder of “El Club de la IA,” and author of “La IA”; and Maria Les Spalthoff, Business Development Manager at AWS.

Daniel Atik, known for his central role in the transformation that AI has brought to our lives, will share his inspiring vision of the impact and possibilities of this emerging technology. With his experience and knowledge, he will provide a unique perspective on how Artificial Intelligence redefines the boundaries of what is possible.

On the other hand, Maria Les Spalthoff, the event’s moderator, will bring her experience in business development and AWS technology. Alongside Daniel, she will lead participants on a journey covering everything from the fundamentals and mechanics of AI to the unprecedented opportunities it offers in various sectors. Not only that, but they will also address the ethical dilemmas and challenges that this technology presents, a topic of vital importance in today’s digital age.

Moreover, the #AISummerParty is an opportunity to learn about the latest developments in AI and a space to connect with professionals, enthusiasts, and visionaries shaping this technology’s future. This event represents a unique opportunity for all those interested in AI, from beginners to experts in the field, to interact, share ideas, and explore collaborations.

Admission to the event is entirely free, in an inclusive approach that seeks to enable people from diverse backgrounds and experience levels to participate and benefit from the discussions and networking opportunities that will arise.

LatAm and the Use of Artificial Intelligence

With the continuous advancement of artificial intelligence (AI), which is redefining industries and social life globally, a change in public perceptions about its advantages and challenges is observed. In this context, the Latin American population is inclined to adopt AI-driven products and services, in line with the interest in digitalization.

A study conducted by Ipsos, a market research and consulting firm, reveals differences in the acceptance of AI in various Latin American markets. Peru leads with the highest approval rate, where 70% of participants see more benefits than disadvantages in this technology. They are followed by Mexico, with 65%, and then Colombia and Chile, with 64% and 63%, respectively, indicating a positive attitude towards AI.

In contrast, Brazil and Argentina show less receptiveness, with fewer than six out of ten people having a positive perception of the impacts of AI. These nations have the lowest levels of support for adopting AI in the region.

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