Five Questions With: Examedi

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The platform that brings medical exams and other health services to the patient’s home recently secured a US$17 million Series A. Not bad for a startup that started only a year ago in Chile, is now operating in Mexico and aims to reach more countries. Examedi «wants to be the ‘family doctor’ for the region’s households» says Ian Lee (21), co-founder and CEO, who answered Contxto’s questionnaire. 

In simple terms, what is Examedi?
Examedi is a hub for home health services. We offer a wide range of tests (blood, urine, PCR, and more) and other offerings such as kinesiology, electrocardiogram and soon, nutrition.

Ian lee, CEO of Examedi. (Photo: Examedi)

How do you differ from others who have tried this idea before?
We are trying to change people’s relationship with their health, making everything simpler, more agile, and technological. In addition, it can be up to 80% cheaper in some cases. We have Isapre and Fonasa [private and public health insurance systems in Chile].

How sustainable is it?
Our carbon footprint is surprisingly low. We don’t add medical centers to the equation or extra buildings. In addition, we cut travel by half for those involved. Before, the sampler and the patient had to go to a medical center; now, only the sampler travels to your home or workplace.

What company achievement are you most proud of?
Being young and having managed to grow so much, knowing that many people have believed in our idea as passionately as we do. But the main thing is to realize through patient feedback that we have saved lives, that people have achieved things with their wellbeing that they could not have done before.

Tell us a Latin American startup you admire.
Nowports. For finding a need that permeates throughout society and because its leaders are very young and have scaled the idea to many countries in a very, very short time. Also, for bringing technology to an industry that “didn’t know it needed it.”


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