Cell Farm Food Tech from Argentina participates in vegtech accelerator in Berlin

Cell Farm Food Tech From Argentina Participates In Vegtech Accelerator In Berlin Cell Farm Food Tech From Argentina Participates In Vegtech Accelerator In Berlin
cell farm food tech from argentina participates in vegtech accelerator in berlin

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Contxto – Yes, Argentina may be known for its fine cuts. Who would have thought that a country famous for its top-notch beef also boasts a meatless alternative?

I’m talking about Cell Farm Food Tech, a startup conceived in Buenos Aires is participating in the four-month ProVeg Incubator program in Berlin this year. As noted by the media, this startup is the only representative from Latin America in the European incubator program.

Reportedly Latin America’s first clean meat startup, Cell Farm Food Tech began its participation this past September. Joining them are nine other startups developing innovative food solutions that cut down the global consumption of animals.

At the end of the four-month program, Cell Farm Food Tech will have the opportunity to present its work on Pitch Day. During this event, retailers, entrepreneurs, corporations and accelerators will all be in attendance. 

Biotech and meatless meat

Cell Farm Foodtech looks into bioengineering meat using stem cells taken from a non-invasive micro-biopsy. In other words, they draw tissue from animals, let’s say a cow. Then, cells within that sample are fed and nurtured so they proliferate and multiply.

As the cells reproduce in a controlled environment, they replicate the natural growth process that would happen in animals. Based on this process, the stem cells essentially develop muscle and fat tissue, mimicking the process in the incubator.

The final product is supposedly meat, but without our animal friends experiencing any harm.

In any case, one of the most significant challenges to overcome is making this process less costly. Like every startup must figure out, it’s important for operations to make sense from financial and business perspectives.

Likewise, the startup aims to be a big-time provider of stem cell lines for players in the clean meat industry. Specifically, it employs the most emphasis on the bioengineering process.

I’m thinking as the number of vegetarians and vegans in Latin America continues to grow, startups that offer meat-free alternatives like Cell Farm Food Tech and Fazenda Futuro will continue to gain traction.


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