Want a career in tech? Let chatbot Nipu be your guide

Want A Career In Tech? Let Chatbot Nipu Be Your Guide Want A Career In Tech? Let Chatbot Nipu Be Your Guide
want a career in tech? let chatbot nipu be your guide

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Contxto – The Master Chief has Cortana. Tony Stark had Jarvis/Edith. Pop culture is filled with examples of AI guides that help the protagonist along their journey. But this isn’t just fiction. It’s an ever-growing fact.

Case and point is Colombian startup Nipu. It’s developed a chatbot that helps users navigate their way into a career in tech. 

The algorithm is designed to act as a sort of  guidance counselor for users. With so many programs emerging on how to code, front-end, back-end, DevOps—it’s a lot of lingo to become familiarized with. Not to mention knowing which area or specialty suits your interests.

Moreover, Nipu differs from Amazon’s Alexa or Apple’s Siri as it isn’t working for you as an assistant. Instead it runs alongside you to find your way into a career in tech.

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Nipu, the tech career guide

“We’re not an entertainment or training platform,” explains Samuel Urquijo, Nipu’s co-Founder. “Rather we guide people towards the classes, universities, schools, [and] workshops to help them find the best jobs and consequently, a better income.”

This is achieved by partnering up with universities, headhunters, businesses looking to hire, and edtechs like Platzi. By collaborating with them, the startup wants to offer users some career orientation into the high-in-demand world of tech.

Following various pilot tests, Nipu wants to begin selling its digital mentor to users in Colombia, Peru, and Mexico. It even plans to launch in the United States first with the Spanish version among the Latino population and eventually, an English-speaking bot.

Why it’s a big deal: A promising trend in edtech are AI mentors and tutors like Nipu. As users consistently need tips and guidance on how to “do something,” algorithms, by interacting with users can better understand their basic learning needs. 

Likewise, if more specialized or personal attention is required, that’s where humans come in.

Related articles: Tech and startups from Colombia!


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