Mexico City hosts upcoming Blockchain Summit Latam

Mexico City Hosts Upcoming Blockchain Summit Latam Mexico City Hosts Upcoming Blockchain Summit Latam
mexico city hosts upcoming blockchain summit latam

Keep up to Date with Latin American VC, Startups News

Written by: Carolina Zepeda

Contxto – The third edition of Blockchain Summit Latam will take place in Mexico City from July 4 to July 5. Here, experts and tech enthusiasts will come together for one of the most important business and technology events of the year, attracting over 600 attendees at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.

In Summary

If you wish to implement Blockchain and digital assets at your organization, or just learn about technology and its potential, then this event is for you. With professional speakers and more than a hundred collaborators and sponsors, you’ll be able to build a network and participate in different workshops.

The event’s main objective is to show Latin American countries everything Blockchain has to offer. With this, the sponsors want to encourage startups, organizations, and governments to implement Blockchain technology into their daily operations.

During the Summit, guests will have access to different conferences, workshops, and a Hackathon on the last day.


Blockchain Summit Latam chose Mexico to host because of its quick integration of cryptocurrencies from more than 80 national companies and organizations. Aside from that, Mexico is also the first country to create and implement the first Fintech law in Latin America.

More than 50 speakers from all over the world will be attending. These include Pelle Braendgaard, Uport’s engineering leader, Pablo González, co-founder of Bitso, and Leo Elduayen, co-founder and COO at Koibanx. All speakers are experts on the subject and have high ranking positions at the companies they work for.

The first day will focus on defining Blockchain. Organizers will also present the emerging industry’s history, evolution, and future, with different lectures and workshops.

On the second day, topics will cover different business applications and case studies. There will also be a Hackathon to create different solutions in diverse case scenarios using your creativity leveraging Blockchain technology.

Some of the speakers and workshop facilitators will come from Microsoft, IBM, Consensys, and Katun. They are also some of the sponsors of Blockchain Summit Latam.

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