Delta Protect partners with Resecurity to bolster cybersecurity in Latin America

Delta Protect Partners With Resecurity To Bolster Cybersecurity In Latin America Delta Protect Partners With Resecurity To Bolster Cybersecurity In Latin America
delta protect partners with resecurity to bolster cybersecurity in latin america

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Contxto – In a joint effort to increase cybersecurity awareness among Latin American companies, Delta Protect from Mexico has partnered with Resecurity from Los Angeles. Both companies have entered a strategic reseller partnership agreement to expand Resecurity’s presence in Latin America.

Based on a recent conversation I had with Delta Protect Co-founder and CEO, Santiago Fuentes, I learned that this is a commercial partnership, at least for the time being. According to him, this will entail Delta Protect using Rescurity’s software in providing cybersecurity consulting to Latin American partners.

At the same time, Fuentes stressed that this pairing marks the beginning of a more formal integration. That’s to say, both partners aspire to combine workforces and further integrate operations.

Additionally, he noted that later down the road, they’re setting the ground to eventually launch a national cybersecurity intelligence and research center. This, especially due to Mexico’s particular vulnerability to cyberattacks.

Needless to say, I’m really looking forward to seeing how this alliance blossoms over time. As Santiago emphasized, we need to start thinking about “the importance of cybersecurity as an investment and not an expense.”

Delta Protect and Resecurity partnership

Resecurity is a firm offering thorough analysis based on exclusive and exhaustive datasets from the Deep and Dark Web. On the other hand, Delta Protect is an application for security providers. Through frequent auditing, monitoring and assessing security protocols, both assist clients in all-things cybersecurity.

Under this falls API security, mobile and web security, cloud security, DevSecOps, SOCaaS, Red Teaming, as well as cybersecurity consultancy.

As part of the arrangement, Delta Security will provide Resecurity’s products Context(™) and Risk (™) to Latin American-based companies.

For partners, the goal is to help security professionals recognize their potential blind spots. This way, clients will be better equipped to identify threats and use effective tactics to protect their enterprises. 

“We are very excited to team up with the Delta Protect team to expand our presence in this part of the world,” said Resecurity CEO, Gene Yoo. “The appearance of new threats and security challenges requires effective tools for timely identification and in-depth analysis.” 

“We are confident Delta Protect’s security expertise and knowledge of our specialized products will provide critical offensive intelligence to Latin America customers. As we look to continue to expand our global footprint, our mission remains front and center to everything we do: to combat cyber threats for organizations of all sizes, making the world a safer place for everyone.”

Cybersecurity score system

Resecurity’s Context program interprets, analyzes and provides useful insights based on large amounts of data points from across the web. The cyber threat identification tool leverages data science to provide business owners with actual context and benchmarking.

Moreover, its risk product constantly monitors companies’ domains, IPs, networks, cloud services, among other vulnerabilities. From these systems, Resecurity configures a security score based on the evaluation of these entry points and your overall virtual presence.

Take the geolocation feature, for example. It identifies threats and categorizes the risk into three different levels. As a result, it’s very useful in terms of managing infrastructure, network resources, in addition to company assets.

“We are thrilled to be working with such a high-caliber cybersecurity company as Resecurity. With this partnership, we are one step closer to making companies in Mexico understand Cybersecurity as an investment and not as an expense,” said Fuentes.

“With the ability to offer our customers in-depth threat analysis obtained through the Dark Web, botnets, passive DNS, and other categories, we will redefine how they approach security with a true understanding of their weaknesses and vulnerabilities of digital assets,” said Antonio Arellano, Co-Founder and COO, Delta Protect.

Besides anchoring its brand to another renowned cybersecurity firm such as Resecurity, other benefits await Delta Protect. For example, being able to expand its services and product offerings.

In turn, the LA-based company will also increase its reach in Delta Protect. Moreover, it will be better able to provide services to Latin American companies. Who knows, some potential partners may not even be aware of the potential benefits of this symbiotic partnership.


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