Contxto – It is official, you can now be part of Contxto. And yes, by that I mean you can own a slice of the company.
Because we know how important it is for you to stay updated on what matters to you, we launched this opportunity hand in hand with ArkAngeles.
Our 2020 Game Plan
If we’re diving into this relationship, we need to start off with the right foot. Transparency is key.
2020 has been a rough year for most startups. Most founders had to look at themselves in the mirror and ponder what part of their plans for this year still made sense. Many had to completely restructure their operations and even their business model.
I won’t lie to you; we are also having a good long think. Fortunately, we’re doing better than ever!
The first month we launched the blog back in December 2018, our total monthly active user count stood 1,000. Last month (March 2020), we reached the 60,000 unique active user mark and more than 145,000 pageviews.
We are indeed growing, and are convinced now more than ever, by how much people interact with us, that the world needs a platform that provides visibility to the Latin American ecosystem.
I’ve always been amazed at how little attention, exposure, and media time regional startups got, despite the amazing growth of the industry. We’re here to change that.

Vision: Reinvent Latin America
“If a tree falls in a forest and nobody’s around to hear it, does it make a sound?”
There are many companies across Latin America doing amazing things, disrupting industries, narrowing the gaps to basic financial services, democratizing healthcare, reducing carbon emissions and waste, even finding ways to tackle unemployment or traffic.
The problem was, very few people used to pay attention because nobody was following them closely enough to cheer them on. Latin America was the nice guy who finished last.
Our goal as a communications and data company is to provide visibility and transparency to Latin American achievements, calling out bad practices and improving the overall quality of business across the region.
We want foreign investors to turn their heads and pay attention to regional companies and technologies. We want local and foreign talent to understand the magnitude of opportunities there are all across the continent.
We’ve covered some crazy ideas that have changed the world. With your help, we will continue to do so.
The way forward
We have big ambitions and we’re well on our way to achieving them.
For this reason, we’re scaling operations throughout Latam. We’re growing toward the South and the East. We’re expanding our language menu and increasing our data and content scope.
As we keep providing the proper exposure, visibility, and transparency to our ecosystem, economic development and thus the quality of life of all Latin Americans rises in consequence.
Help us thrive, so we can help you thrive as well.
In fact, I’m actually pretty sure you’d like to come along for this ride. We’d certainly love you to be part of our journey.
So, don’t just be a bystander. Join us!
Since you’ve come this far, here’s a sneak-peek of what we’re up to:
We’ll be launching an exclusive community of funders, where you’ll be able to get, not only premium and exclusive content/data, but discounts with partnering brands, access to events and, most importantly, Contxto’s swag.
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