raised a USD 2.27 M funding round to continue helping Beauty and Wellness founders Raised A Usd 2.27 M Funding Round To Continue Helping Beauty And Wellness Founders Raised A Usd 2.27 M Funding Round To Continue Helping Beauty And Wellness Founders raised a usd 2.27 m funding round to continue helping beauty and wellness founders

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Contxto – I trust Ivan, my barber, more than I trust some of my very own friends. Yet he always told me how hard it was to manage the business and stay competitive nowadays.

Fortunately for him, the management software for beauty and wellness centers just closed a USD 2.7M round to help Ivan and other B&W entrepreneurs facilitate their logistics and focus on doing what they’re best at: leaving me with the freshest cut possible.

The round, led by Mexican fund Dila Capital, was also joined by The Venture City, Toro Ventures, as well as their original backers; Variv Capital, Seaya Ventures and Mountain Nazca.

The money would help them continue operating in Spain and Latam as well as preparing for their 2019 US launch!

We wish them well at contxto.


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