Brazilian Prosumir raises US$370,000 for solution that fights energy waste

Brazilian Prosumir Raises Us$370,000 For Solution That Fights Energy Waste Brazilian Prosumir Raises Us$370,000 For Solution That Fights Energy Waste
brazilian prosumir raises us$370,000 for solution that fights energy waste

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Contxto – Brazilian Prosumir is making history with equity crowdfunding platform, EqSeed. Why? Because this startup is the first on EqSeed to close a follow-up round. The investment for Prosumir totaled R$1.5 million (over US$370,000) for its solution that reduces energy waste.

This is the startup’s third round of funding using EqSeed for a grand total of R$2 million (almost US$495,000).

Prosumir will use its latest funds to boost sales, close bigger deals, and reach a gross revenue of R$3.9 million (over US$963,000).

Making the most of energy

“Transforming energy waste into opportunities,” says Prosumir on its website. And through its flagship product, a pressure reducing turbine, this startup is doing just that. But in order to understand what this doohickey does, let’s take a road down memory lane.

Do you recall the first law of thermodynamics you were forced to learn in school? If not, here it is:

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only be transferred or changed from one form to another.

This concept is key to grasping what Prosumir does to reduce energy waste.

Now then, in an industrial process, there are boilers and piping that use pressurized steam to complete various tasks such as producing chemicals.

Steam has thermal energy that’s converted into mechanical energy, pressure.

However, these pipes can become highly pressurized and lose some of that valuable mechanical energy because it’s reverted into thermal energy as really hot steam.

A business can’t harness that overheated steam so it must invest further resources to sustain pressure power. That’s the pain point Prosumir covers with its patented pressure reducing turbine.

Putting less pressure on processes

With its apparatus, Prosumir cuts down tubing pressure and transforms it into usable electrical energy.

Brewing company Ambev and industrial giant Votorantim have already deployed Prosumir’s technology in their installations.

Now considering that this startup already has such large players in its pockets and more money, reaching its revenue goal certainly sounds possible.


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