Contxto launching Definitive Glossary for Latin America startup, innovation ecosystem

Contxto Launching Definitive Glossary For Latin America Startup, Innovation Ecosystem Contxto Launching Definitive Glossary For Latin America Startup, Innovation Ecosystem

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Contxto – A clash of three worlds: business, tech, and Latin America. That is what has created this rich and sprawling ecosystem that we call home. Yet, it has made a mess of terminology. Enter the Definitive Ecosystem Glossary by Contxto.

So, what is the problem and how are we solving it?

The issue is actually pretty clearcut. The anglo-intensive lingo behind the tech and startup worlds meets the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking arena of Latin America. The result is a jumble of foreign terminologies, both literally and conceptually.

Do we tropicalize? (Think marketeo, futbol, bistec.) Do we translate wholesale? (A computer’s mouse, for instance, is often translated literally into Spanish.) Or do we leave terms exactly as they are? (Startup, full-stack, internet…)

Over time, Latin American entrepreneurs and techies have wrangled with these questions, consciously or unconsciously. When mismanaged, the result has been situations like this:

A living glossary for the Latin American ecosystem

Therefore, our glossary will look both to define broadly conceived terms surrounding entrepreneurship and innovation, but it will contextualize them within the Latin American sphere. 

Contxto’s way of bridging this divide is to provide our ecosystem with a platform through which it can express and literally define itself. 

Our solution will be a deeply collaborative effort. A live, ecosystem-fed, professionally-mediated glossary, dictionary, and translator.

Hence, users will be able, not only to consult our glossary; they will be able to feed into it. But don’t worry, apart from providing the platform, Contxto will also act as a quality control filter to make this the most comprehensive regional glossary available.

How do we get in on the glossary action?

In order to really drive this collaborative point home, we are inviting our most committed readers to sign up for an exclusive pre-launch.

If you’re interested, subscribe to our newsletter/community group and get early access here:

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Within a few days, you will be receiving an invitation to join our exclusive group of Contxto Exponents. There we will grant you access to the glossary in a pre-launch that will be inaccessible to the public at large.

But don’t dally, the window of time will be limited, as we will only be accepting your emails for 45 days. Afterwards, our Exponents clan will be by invitation only.

So rush. I’ll see you on the inside.


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