Ualá Launches Its First Financial Education Platform in Mexico

Softbank-backed Ualá Makes International Debut With Mexico Softbank-backed Ualá Makes International Debut With Mexico
Fintech Uala App Card Mexico

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Whenever a new fintech with B2C services arrives in Latin America, it is common for them to say that one of their main objectives is to bank the population. However, how can this be done if there is no financial education? To this effect, Ualá launched the free platform Aula Ualá in Mexico.

Although the company is based in Argentina, they decided that the North American country would be the first to host this platform, as they see a great area of opportunity there, said Claudis Trujillo, Brand Manager of the fintech company.

As in other Latin American countries, Mexico has financial education problems: only 25% of the adult population has this knowledge, according to the National Survey of Financial Inclusion 2021 (ENIF, for its acronym in Spanish).

For its part, Ualá, which in 2021 reached a valuation of US$2.4 million, has issued more than 300,000 cards in the country almost two years after its arrival, compared to four million in Argentina. 

What will be addressed at Aula Ualá?

To start with, Aula Ualá will integrate basic contents through courses, 11 video tutorials and a blog with more than 50 articles so far, where experts make recommendations and go deeper into personal finance topics. During the launching, they mentioned that as time goes by they will include more complex topics. 

They also assured that they would add content aimed at entrepreneurs and investors, however, there is no date yet.

And if people have any doubts about a specific topic, Ualá will have a section where its staff will provide answers within a period of no more than 48 hours. Aula Ualá is designed for the Mexican population, to whom it offers certification in personal finance. The company will also offer virtual lectures to different educational institutions in the country.

You may also be interested in: Ualá buys the Mexican bank ABC Capital and announces $150M investment in the country.


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