Ayenda Rooms arrives in Lima, Peru to increase occupancy rates for independent hotels

Ayenda Rooms Arrives In Lima, Peru To Increase Occupancy Rates For Independent Hotels Ayenda Rooms Arrives In Lima, Peru To Increase Occupancy Rates For Independent Hotels
ayenda rooms arrives in lima, peru to increase occupancy rates for independent hotels

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Contxto – While Airbnb has certainly revolutionized the travel industry, there’s a Colombian hospitality startup offering alternatives, particularly for business travelers. Known as Ayenda Rooms, the company partnering with independent hotels to increase occupancy rates recently premiered in Peru.

According to Ayenda Room’s co-founder and CEO Andrés Sarrazola, Peruvian hotels will need to adapt to today’s technology to stay afloat.

“Since most independent hotels are ‘off the radar’ of their potential customers, the Peruvian hotel sector must adapt to the challenges of the digital era,” said Sarrazola.

“This is due to the lack of marketing resources and actions, or lack of knowledge of technology platforms that could increase their sales. That’s where Ayenda Rooms comes in to help them boost their businesses.” 

By providing basic commodities at an affordable price, the startup’s low-cost hotel initiative seeks to give travelers standardized accommodations. For extra convenience, earlier this month Ayenda Rooms even launched its very own app!

Ayenda Rooms in Peru

Just yesterday, Ayenda Rooms announced its expansion to Peru, specifically to Lima where operations will begin. Being part of the growing network, hotel owners get the opportunity to offer standardized services to travelers.

“We see a great opportunity for the internationalization of Ayenda Rooms in the Peruvian market,” stated Sarrazola. “This is a ‘win-win’ based on how Ayenda Rooms greatly increases its hotel offer, and in turn, proposes independent hotels to invest in sectors forgotten by them.”

When it comes to benefits, partnering hotels can increase profitability, improve training protocol, not to mention gain exposure, through Ayenda Rooms.

Motivated to foster symbiotic partnerships, ultimately Ayenda Rooms expects to on-board 150 Lima hotels during the first year. All the while, the startup plans to further direct its Peruvian strategy to business travelers.

“Corporate tourism in Peru has been growing driven by cities such as Arequipa, Chiclayo, Trujillo and Piura, which have become relevant destinations after Lima,” added Sarrazola. 

Moreover, Ayenda Rooms intends to implement special prizes and promotions for group trips within the corporate market. Likewise, the startup will offer personalized attention for billing transactions to make administrative processes less burdensome. 

Adding to the low-cost experience is the fact that booking can be done through Ayenda Rooms’ mobile app or web platform. When it comes to friendly UX, there’s even the possibility to make reservations through WhatsApp.

Even better, prices will begin at S$60 (approximately US$18) with access to hot water and WiFi connection. On top of these features, Ayenda Rooms guarantees prime location as well as online customer service. 

First year of operations 

Founded in 2018, Ayenda Rooms has primarily operated in various Colombian cities before expanding to Peru. Within its native market, the company is present in Bogota, Medellin, Cali, Barranquilla, Pereira, Santa Marta and Bucaramanga. 

So far this first year, over 30 thousand users have resorted to Ayenda Rooms’ platform. Among other impressive developments, it raised a US$1.2 million seed round led by SoftBank to modernize hotels. 


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