Contxto- In an age of “Fake News,” journalism has become more controversial, but at the same time, more fact-driven. Many outlets are looking for that extra support to become mainstream media and be able to reach more people.
However, this wouldn’t be possible without a platform, and that is what the Google News Initiative Startup Lab Boot Camp has created, an ecosystem of support within the startup community, as well as providing opportunities.
Twenty-four projects were chosen from the 259 applicants. Each will have a six-week coaching course that will help them grow in the future.
9 millones gets recognized
With most of these projects based in The US or Canada, 9 millones puts Puerto Rico in the spotlight.
9 millones, founded by Camilla Padilla Dalmau, is the first Puerto Rican-first solution journalism outlet. They focus on data-driven, solution-based content of their country and around the world, centered in journalism as a practical solution for social problems, effectiveness, and their limits, providing society all the information they need.
Breaking ceilings in journalism
This initiative also showcases a step towards diversity, with 17 projects out of 24, led by people of color, that will influence the content they provide.
Also, eleven of these projects focus on urban and rural communities expanding the typical narrative.
However, the application process is limited only to Canada and US territory. There are still ways to go and stories to tell.