Soapbox: Contxto’s opening a Latam ecosystem guest column with your name on it

Soapbox: Contxto's Opening A Latam Ecosystem Guest Column With Your Name On It Soapbox: Contxto's Opening A Latam Ecosystem Guest Column With Your Name On It
soapbox: contxto’s opening a latam ecosystem guest column with your name on it

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Contxto – In London’s Hyde Park there’s a place called the Speakers’ Corner. There’s nothing physically too distinctive about it, but it has become hallowed ground, a place where people from all walks of life can express their opinions freely.

The world has grown and the internet has become a sort of Speakers’ Corner for everyone. Publish an idea and it may well catch on.

But it probably won’t.

The internet is huge and full of voices.

In the real world, people have often created makeshift platforms in order to rise above the noise and get their voices heard. In the nineteenth-century these were literal wooden boxes that contained dry goods, such as tea, spices, and, well, soap. 

Nowadays, you need a different kind of platform to stand on.

Contxto Soapbox

Then as now, the bigger the platform the more people will hear you. Before, it meant graduating from standing on a box to building a stage with great acoustics. Today, it means projecting your voice on the best platform available to you on the internet.

For the Latin American startup and tech ecosystem, that platform is us.

That is why we’ve recently opened up a guest column for any and all of our readers. If you have anything worth saying, we want to hear it, and if it is any good, we’ll publish it on our Soapbox section.

Soapbox will be a guest op-ed column where we’ll be publishing a diversity of voices, at all levels the ecosystem. 

This means we want to hear from all sectors of the ecosystem. From the big trends to the small scale revolutions going on in your industry or country.

It means hearing from both sides of the investment equation. The types of deals investors are looking for, as well as the kind of treatment founders or even startup employees expect and need as they scale.

It means featuring ideas about what goes on behind the scenes, the nitty gritty that back end developers, sales, legal, marketers or product designers get up to.

Overall, it means opening up a space to continue nurturing this regional ecosystem we call home with a free exchange of innovative ideas from a variety of people.

How to submit your article

Easy. Just drop me a pitch via email. We’re easy on the length of the article and the topic you cover.

However, it is super important that your article is non-promotional (meaning, no mentions of your company), completely original (meaning, previously unpublished), and touches upon startups, tech, and/or venture capital in Latin America

If it fits those criteria, we’ll drop you a line asking for your full text.

If it’s up to scratch, we’ll publish it!

That simple. So, what are you waiting for? This platform is yours, use it!


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