Endeavor celebrates three years of partnership with Mastercard

By 2022, with the support of Endeavor’s global network, these High Impact Entrepreneurs have generated a multiplier effect by creating more than 4 million jobs.
Endeavor and Mastercard formed a partnership that has been key to consolidating the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Latin America. Endeavor and Mastercard formed a partnership that has been key to consolidating the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Latin America.

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In 2023, Endeavor celebrates three years of its alliance with Mastercard, a collaboration that has been central to consolidate the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

In its role as a catalyst, Endeavor takes seriously its role to drive, inspire, and support High-Impact Entrepreneurs through this alliance.

To date, this alliance has provided more than 30 networking, mentoring, and leadership experiences, totaling over 450 hours of knowledge and valuable connections that have benefited over 150 entrepreneurs.

The alliance reinforces the shared mission of Endeavor and Mastercard to advance in the construction of the future of industries, by facilitating the meeting between entrepreneurs, mentors, investments, and strategic connections.

All these actions enhance the ability of these entrepreneurs to transform economies and societies through digitization.

“At Mastercard, we firmly believe in the power of collaboration and know that technology is essential to develop, innovate, and grow. Together with Endeavor, we seize the opportunities of this technological revolution to build more prosperous, inclusive, sustainable, and accessible industries for all.”

“It is a pleasure to be part of the Endeavor Gala once again and reaffirm our commitment to High-Impact Entrepreneurs,” explained Mauricio Schwartzmann, Country Manager of Mastercard Mexico.

Until this year, 156 projects have been selected, involving more than 270 entrepreneurs. Among the selections made, Eden, a Mexican company focusing on providing cutting-edge digital solutions for radiology and healthcare, stands out.

This company serves an extensive base of over 5 million patients distributed in 12 countries in Latin America, processing more than 1.5 million medical images daily.

It is important to highlight that of the capital raised in Mexico in the last two decades, 35% belongs to entrepreneurs selected by Endeavor.

Regarding industries, the Fintech sector continues to be the one attracting the most capital in Latin America and, for the third consecutive year, holds the first place in this category with 47%, followed by Biotech with 11%, and Information Technology Services in third place with 10%.

E-Commerce experienced a significant drop, falling from the second to the sixth position in capital acquisition in the region, with only a 4% share.

For 2024, Endeavor projects that Artificial Intelligence, Gaming, Clean Tech, Metaverse, Biohacking, and Open Economy will be the six key industries that will be protagonists on the world stage.

Endeavor drives reconstruction in Guerrero

The 17th edition of the Endeavor Gala will be special, as it will be a fundraising event to support those affected by Hurricane OTIS and promote the reconstruction of cities, such as Acapulco, that were impacted.

“The Gala is the heartbeat of our vibrant ecosystem. In this context, it is crucial that this event be empathetic and supportive of Mexico.”

“Given the events in Guerrero, we have adapted our strategy, directing significant resources towards supporting those affected through the actions of our Endeavor entrepreneurs,” highlighted Vincent Speranza, CEO of Endeavor Mexico.

The organization is committed to supporting reconstruction initiatives led by Endeavor entrepreneurs, thus multiplying its effect and actively participating in the region’s recovery for each contribution received.

Endeavor will award the Mexican Pride prize to Eduardo and Susana Palazuelos, who, through the World Central Kitchen initiative, have delivered more than 12,000 free meals daily to the population of Acapulco.

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